2021年8月23日 · Based on work by Gdx and Kanima and others. Writes a value to a byte of the memory (RAM). POKE <Address>,<Value> <Address> must be in the range -32768 to 65535. It's a decimal number in single precision, but you can also specify an address in hexadecimal form. If <Address> is negative the binary complement is used.
Universal poke - MSX Wiki
2024年12月20日 · The so-called universal poke attempts to set the subslots in order to point to RAM. The poke is POKE-1,(15-PEEK(-1)\16)*17. Note that this POKE still will hang on those machines where RAM (8000-FFFFh) is located in slot 0-X (except for slot 0-0). For example machines using the DW64MX1 engine that have their RAM in slot 0-2. With RAM in a non ...
The Ultimate MSX FAQ - Miscellaneous FAQ section
How can I let most of the MSX1 software work on MSX2 machines/what is the universal slot-select-correct POKE? The universal poke to do this is: POKE -1,1.0625*(NOT(PEEK(-1))AND&HF0)
CHAPTER 2 - BASIC - MSX2-Technical-Handbook
As described so far, MSX BASIC version 2.0 has powerful features, but, if you wish to save execution time even more or to make full use of MSX2 hardware, you should use assembly language. The following sections show how to call assembly language programs from BASIC and gives the information you will need.
1.1 MSX BASIC ver2.0の命令 - テクハンwiki
ステートメント (X,Y)を中心とし、<半径>で指定する大きさの円を描く。 ステートメント 変数の初期化およびメモリ領域の大きさの設定をする。 コマンド カセットからプログラムをロードする。 コマンド メモリ上のプログラムとカセット上のプログラムを比較する。 コマンド <ファイル番号>に対応するファイルを閉じる。 ステートメント 画面を消去する。 ステートメント 画面の各部の色を指定する。 ステートメント パレットを初期化する。 ステートメント パレット …
help (poke) statement | MSX Resource Center
2010年12月7日 · It is not always enough just to remove the poke... The value that needs to be poked to last memory address depends of your hardware configuration. The possible values can be 0, 85,170 or 255. How ever there is universal solution that works in every MSX... Replace the poke with: POKE -1,(15-PEEK(-1)\16)*17
http://www.msxpro.com - The MSX Hardware Page
A instrução POKE escreve dados numéricos em um certo endereço da memória. Tanto a memória como o dado podem ser escritos em decimal ou hexadecimal. Caso você use números hexadecimais, lembre-se de precedê-los por &H. O valor do endereço pode variar de -32768 (decimal) a 65535 (decimal) e o valor do dado, de 0 (decimal) a 255 (decimal).
this 'universal' poke must replace the eventual already present poke -1,0 or poke -1, 85 or poke -1,170 or poke -1,255. We have created such corrected files by using this poke without any space between the characters and we have included these files in the MSX database.
MSX-BASIC/POKE.txt at master · fu-sen/MSX-BASIC - GitHub
POKE ----------------------------------------------------------- [ 機能 ] メモリに値を書き込みます。 [ 書式 ] POKE <番地>,<値> [ 文例 ] PSET &HA000,&H80 [ 解説 ] <番地> の値は &H0000~&HFFFF (0~65535) です。 <値> は &H00~&HFF (0~255) です。
POKE -1,170 (MSX1) | MSX Resource Center
2009年5月30日 · POKE -1,170 sets all pages of the primary slot RAM is in to subslot 2. This is ok on MSXes that have RAM in slot 3-2, but if RAM is in eg. slot 3-3, this poke will reset the MSX. If this 'magic' poke is required to make an old game work, use this one instead, it works on all MSXes: poke-1, (15-peek (-1)\16)*17.