2025年3月12日 · MSX-AUDIO is a standard for FM sound synthesizer cartridges, which contains an OPL-compatible chip made by Yamaha, the Y8950. This chip is called the MSX-AUDIO. The FM sound generator in the MSX-AUDIO is compatible with the YM3526 (OPL, sometimes called OPL1), so any OPL software can be used with an MSX-AUDIO. The chip was introduced in 1984.
[维京的梦的永硕E盘]YAMAHA Sound chips - 哔哩哔哩
2024年8月24日 · YM2413(OPLL)— MSX-Music芯片,被MSX2+(1988)和MSX TurboR(1990)标准采用。 Y8950 — MSX-Audio芯片,用于一些MSX(1983)模块。 YM3812(OPL2)— 用于第一代和第二代Sound Blaster卡进行FM声音。
Music Module DAC | MSX Resource Center
2022年8月4日 · It’s a separate 8-bit raw PCM DAC, only present in the Music Module and not the other MSX-AUDIO-likes. Similar to the PCM DAC that’s present in the turboR, although more basic and without timing functions.
PlaySoniq - Supersoniqs
It contains a Sega VDP for playing Sega Master System software, SCC/SCC I implementation in FPGA, PSG rerouting over the internal SCC, dynamic joystick and keyboard configurations for use with SMS programs, Commodore 64 SID audio processor, 16 MegaBytes of ram with various configurable MSX and Sega memory modes.
SCC DAC | MSX Resource Center (Page 1/2)
2008年8月22日 · I made the dac from resistors like this attach r0 to snd0, r1 to snd1 etc. I used 470 ohm for the 500 Ohm as this is not a normal value. And the sound is the same as the original!
MSX2 - vgmrips
An example of a Japanese MSX2 machine.
APPENDIX 1 - BIOS LISTING - MSX2-Technical-Handbook
Function: returns the type of DAC (decimal accumulator) Input: none; Output: S, Z, P/V flags are changed depending on the type of DAC:
blueMSX 2.1.0 发布(MSX 模拟器)
2004年7月27日 · - MSX-MUSIC、MSX-AUDIO、SCC+ 和 Moonsound 由 DAC 控制 - 添加了手柄和鼠标的支持 - 新近文件列表和快速存档功能能够更快的进行,存档读写具有更高的兼容性
MSX2 - Video Game Music Preservation Foundation Wiki
The MSX2 is an upgrade to Microsoft's hardware standard known as MSX. The MSX line focused on assembling off-the-shelf hardware into compliant computers allowing any manufacturer to enter the home-computer market.
MSX1 core 24-bit color update? - MiSTer FPGA Forum
2020年5月25日 · It would be awesome if those MSX2 options from the test build were either rolled into the main build or spun off as a separate MSX2 core, and we could get a new quick-n-dirty release for now just adding 24-bit DAC support.