MSX2 in ameloblast cell fate and activity - Frontiers
2015年1月4日 · A thorough analysis of MSX2 function in tooth/bone inter-dependent development requires a number of conditional gene mutations or misexpressions in each MSX2-target cell, each corresponding to different restricted temporal …
Antagonistic regulation of Dlx2 expression by PITX2 and Msx2
PITX2 activated while Msx2 unexpectedly repressed transcription of a TK-Bicoid luciferase reporter in a tooth epithelial cell line (LS-8) and CHO cell line. Surprisingly, Msx2 binds to the bicoid element (5'-TAATCC-3') with a high specificity …
An Msx2-Sp6-Follistatin Pathway Operates During Late Stages of Tooth ...
2020年10月26日 · Msx2 Is Essential for Sp6 Gene Expression During Late Tooth Development. To determine whether Msx2 is required for Sp6 regulation and whether this requirement is associated with the defect in amelogenesis, in situ hybridization was performed in wild type and Msx2 deficient mouse molar tooth germs at E.18.5, postnatal day 1 (P1) and postnatal ...
An Msx2- Sp6-Follistatin Pathway Operates During Late Stages of Tooth …
2020年10月26日 · Specifically, our loss-of function studies by silencing Msx2 and/or Sp6 in mouse dental epithelial (LS8) cells showed significant downregulation of Sp6 but upregulation of Fst expression. Transient transfection of Msx2 overexpression plasmid, up-regulated Sp6 and downregulated Fst expression.
Msx2 Prevents Stratified Squamous Epithelium Formation in the …
Tooth enamel is manufactured by the inner enamel epithelium of the multilayered enamel organ. Msx2 loss-of-function mutation in a mouse model causes an abnormal accumulation of epithelial cells in the enamel organ, but the underlying mechanism by which Msx2 regulates amelogenesis is poorly understoo …
Msx2 controls ameloblast terminal differentiation - Bei - 2004 ...
2004年10月21日 · In Msx2-deficient embryos, tooth development proceeds normally through the bud and cap stages of tooth development. However, in the adult tooth, cusp shape abnormalities in the molars and an enamel deficiency of identical …
Msx2 −/− transgenic mice develop compound amelogenesis …
2007年11月1日 · Msx2 −/− homozygous mice displayed a wide spectrum of alterations in tooth eruption and morphology as well as dental and periodontal defects from the first post-natal weeks up to 6 months. These defects culminated with the formation of an odontogenic tumour at the mandibular third molar site.
Msx homeobox gene family and craniofacial development
2003年12月1日 · Contrary to Msx1, whose expression is confined to the mesenchyme throughout tooth development, Msx2 expression can be detected in both the epithelial and mesenchymal compartments of the...
bicoid-like homeodomain transcription factor, is the first transcriptional marker observed during tooth develop-ment. Because Pitx2, Msx2, and Dlx2 are expressed in the dental epithelium, we examined the transcriptional activity of PITX2 in concert with Msx2 and the Dlx2 promoter. PITX2 activated while Msx2 unexpectedly
Msx2 Prevents Stratified Squamous Epithelium Formation in the …
Msx2 loss-of-function mutation in a mouse model causes an abnormal accumulation of epithelial cells in the enamel organ, but the underlying mechanism by which Msx2 regulates amelogenesis is poorly understood. We therefore performed detailed …