Get Credentialed - ASCP
In recognition of the foreign educated and trained laboratory professionals who are working in the United States, the ASCP Board of Certification now offers a formal process for International MLS(ASCP i) certificants to transition their credential to MLS(ASCP) through a new U.S. certification route.
Board of Certification - ASCP
The ASCP Board of Certification (BOC) is a patient-centric credentialing agency that elevates laboratory professionals through rigorous examinations, tailored to today’s laboratory medicine and pathology practice models.
ASCP - American Society for Clinical Pathology
The American Society for Clinical Pathology (ASCP) is a professional association based in Chicago, Illinois encompassing 100,000 pathologists and laboratory professionals. Founded in 1922, ASCP provides programs in education, certification and advocacy on behalf of patients, pathologists and laboratory professionals.
从中国医生到美国“医学检验师 (MT)”的经历,及MT介绍
2020年10月12日 · 2006年开始,ascp开始实施国际认证考试计划(ascpi),目前在中国可以申请的ascp国际认证考试主要包括:mlt,mt,分子生物学技师(mb),抽血技师(pbt)和妇科细胞学技师(ctgyn)等。
Medical Lab Scientist MLS (ASCP) Certification - Medical …
2024年3月25日 · Earn a medical laboratory technician MLT (ASCP) certification and complete two years of qualifying clinical laboratory experience; Gain five years of full-time acceptable clinical laboratory experience; Hold a now-discontinued CLA (ASCP) certification and complete four years of qualifying clinical laboratory experience
How to Become a Medical Technologist (ASCP) | Salary.com
A Medical Technologist (ASCP) performs diagnostic testing on patient samples to aid physicians in the diagnosis and/or monitoring of various disease states. Follows standardized procedures and helps prepare samples for testing.
When Did ASCP Change from MT to MLS? ASCP Transition Process
The ASCP Board of Certification transitioned all its MT (ASCP) & MT (ASCPi) licenses to MLS (ASCP) & MLS (ASCPi), respectively. In the same time frame, the board also switched its ASCP MP (molecular pathology) credential to ASCP MB (molecular biology).
医学检验人的职业资质认证---ASCP-MLS 备考(1) - 知乎
ASCP-MLS 全称:American Society for Clinical Pathology- Medical Laboratory Scientist 美国临床病理学会-医学检验师. 在美国,检验科是隶属于病理科的一部分(美国的病理科类似于国内的检验科+病理科),因此检验师的资质认证归属于美国临床病理学会(ASCP)管理。
用于医疗技术的 ASCP 和 ASCPi 证书之间的差异 - 知乎
作为 mt,您需要获得两个不同委员会之一的认证:美国临床病理学会 (ascp) 或美国 医学技术 专家 (amt)。与 passportusa 合作的 mt 使用的更常见的认证是通过ascp。 关于 ascp 认证. ascp 证书向潜在雇主证明,您在新员工和执业人员中具有专业能力。
Medical Lab Technician Certification – MLT (ASCP)
2024年2月20日 · Read on to learn how to become an ASCP-certified medical laboratory technician (MLT), including details on eligibility and exams.