The role of O6-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase in cell …
1985年1月1日 · O6-MT appears to repair premutagenic lesions in all organisms studied but its importance in survival after DNA alkylation is greatest to Ad 5 infecting human cells and of little consequence to E. coh. Strong theoretical arguments and some circumstantial evidence link 06-MT activity to the prevention of oncogenic transformation.
Cellular levels of O6-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase in …
O6-Methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase (O6-MT) is a DNA repair protein that reverses alkylation damage at the O6 position of guanine. In the process, O6-MT undergoes suicide inactivation. To determine if this enzyme might be regulated by pregnancy-associated hormones we measured changes in the level …
Frontiers | O6-Methylguanine-DNA Methyltransferase (MGMT): …
2020年1月16日 · O 6 -methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase, known as MGMT, is a DNA “suicide” repair enzyme. It repairs damaged guanine nucleotides by transferring the methyl at O 6 site of guanine to its cysteine residues, thus avoiding gene mutation, cell death and tumorigenesis caused by alkylating agents.
O~6-甲基鸟嘌呤-DNA甲基转移酶与肿瘤 - 道客巴巴
2016年9月25日 · O6-甲基鸟嘌呤-DNA 甲基转移酶(O6-methylguanine -DNA methyltransferase , MGMT)负责修复 DNA 这类损伤[ 1]。 本文介绍了 MGMT 的结构、作用特点及其与肿瘤发生和肿瘤耐药性之间的关系。
摘要: O 6 -甲基鸟嘌呤-DNA-基转移酶(O 6 -methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase,MGMT)是一种高效的DNA直接修复酶,能修复DNA序列中的6-氧-甲基鸟嘌呤(O 6 -methylguanine,O 6 -mG)损伤,是人类细胞中迄今发现的唯一一种修复该损伤的甲基转移酶。 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
Age dependence of O6-methylguanine-DNA ... - ScienceDirect
1993年3月1日 · O6 -Methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase (O 6 -MT) is considered to play an important role in the repair of DNA lesions induced by alkylating carcinogens in a wide range of animals. The activity of O 6 -MT was compared in liver extracts from the teleost medaka (Oryzias latipes) at various ages (3–5 years old) reared under natural conditions.
(PDF) Direct assay for O6-methylguanine-DNA ... - ResearchGate
1991年7月1日 · We describe in detail a direct assay for the substrate-inactivated DNA-repair enzyme, O6-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase (O6-MT), which measures the transfer of radiolabelled methyl...
O-6-甲基鸟嘌呤-DNA 甲基转移酶(MGMT)基因 | MCE
Ubiquitous expression in liver (RPKM 6.2), kidney (RPKM 3.0) and 25 other tissues. 烷化剂是强效致癌物,可导致细胞死亡、突变和癌症。 由该基因编码的蛋白质是一种 DNA 修复蛋白,参与针对烷化剂诱变和毒性的细胞防御。 该蛋白质催化甲基从 O (6) -烷基鸟嘌呤和 DNA 的其他甲基化部分转移到它自己的分子,从而修复毒性损伤。 基因启动子的甲基化与几种癌症类型有关,包括结直肠癌、肺癌、淋巴瘤和胶质母细胞瘤。 [RefSeq 提供,2015 年 9 月]
Direct assay for O6-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase and
1991年7月1日 · We describe in detail a direct assay for the substrate-inactivated DNA-repair enzyme, O6-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase (O6-MT), which measures the transfer of radiolabelled methyl groups from a prepared O6-methylguanine-DNA substrate to the protein fraction of an enzyme-containing cell/tissue …
O6-MG-DNA-甲基转移酶基因表达调控及其与肿瘤耐药性的研究进 …
2015年7月8日 · DNA— meth— yhransferase,MGMT) ,主要修 复烷化类 药物导 致 的 DNA 损伤,可以修复 DNA 序列上 O6.. 甲基鸟嘌 呤 ( 06. methylguanine,06-mG) 。 MGMT 的高表达 是肿瘤细胞对替莫 唑胺 ( temozolomide,TMZ ) 等 烷化剂产生耐药 的主要原因 。 在 TMZ 的用药过程 中.原本对 TMZ 敏感 的肿瘤细胞也 出现 MGMT 表 达的增 加 。 其 是 TMZ 获得性 耐药 的主要 原 因之 _2引一。 在 TMZ 化疗 中,MGMT 启动子 甲基化 的肿 瘤 比未 甲基化 的肿瘤治 …