Forums - Multi Theft Auto: Forums
2024年10月5日 · Use this forum to appeal your GLOBAL MTA:SA bans. Permanent bans only - appeals for timed ones (eg. 24 hours) will be refused. Do not use it for appealing server-specific bans as we do not have power over these specific servers.
Multi Theft Auto: San Andreas 1.6 is released!
2023年6月16日 · Good job. I have looked into the newest 1.6 features and I am impressed. I think the most impacting QoL improvement is for race servers that suffered from the FPS-bound tire-smoke effect.
MTA Doğru şekilde kurulumu - Multi Theft Auto: Forums
2024年12月4日 · en önemli kısım'da burası, MTA kurulum esnasındayken sizden GTA:SA dosya konumunu seçmenizi ve ilerlemenizi isteyecektir, burada doğru konumu seçmelisiniz, örneğin GTASA.zip gibi şeyler indirip rar/zip den çıkarmadan kurulum yaptığınızda hatalar alırsınız, bu yüzden doğru şekilde kurulum yapmalısınız, çünkü MTA ...
MTADiag - diagnostic tool for MTA:SA & Support section …
2011年12月13日 · Create a log file with the aforementioned paths, MTA's previous and updated version strings, the generated dxdiag log, a list of currently running processes, the contents of CEGUI.log, core.log, and logfile.txt, directory listings of the MTA, GTA, and GTA\models folders, and some other miscellaneous information which is automatically uploaded ...
Multi Theft Auto: San Andreas 1.5.9 is released!
2021年10月1日 · Also a big thank you to the new MTA helpers team who support our users on this forum and Discord! Finally, please give a to our newest staff members @androksi, @Pirulax, @Sarrum and @xLive; newest contributors colistro123, @Pirulax and @TheNormalnij, as well as our newest addition to the MTA team @myonlake! Have a good autumn! — MTA Team
Introducing AI - Resources - Multi Theft Auto: Forums
2024年11月10日 · Use AI in your MTA:SA resources. Powered by providers like OpenAI, Anthropic & Groq. You can now bake Artificial Intelligence into your resources, gamemodes and systems. This resource exports the below functions: init (config) generateText (prompt, system) generateObject (prompt, system) getProviders getModels (provider) getConfig Example usage:
مود معرض السيارات بشكل حديث وحصري | Vehicles System - MTA SA
2016年11月29日 · السلام عليكم ورحمة الله تعالى وبركاته, كيف الحال ياحلوين !؟ عساكم بخير اليوم سويت لكم مود المعرض على طريقتي وغيرت اشياء بالشكل ولوحة الشراء الجديدة, طبعا السكربت معروف + السكربت غير مشفر للتعليم والإفادة ----- الصور ...
Multi Theft Auto: San Andreas 1.4 released!
2014年7月30日 · Fixed visibility of 'Use customized GTA:SA files' setting; Fixed onPlayerVoiceStart re-triggering when cancelled; Fixed a startup freeze caused by dll conflicts; Fixed Custom binds will not save when MTA isnt restarted properly; Fixed attachElements with the camera not removing the camera target.
Meu MTA não abre - Ajudas relacionadas ao MTA:SA …
2024年8月27日 · Olá, estou a alguns dias tentando abrir meu mta mas sempre dá o mesmo erro, já fiz de tudo possivel, instalei e desinstalei vários GTA SA, até peguei o GTA SA original e ainda assim sempre que tento abrir aparece essa aba para selecionar uma pasta, e não importa qual pasta eu selecione, simplemente não carrega nada, fica na página de ...
∞ TR-Servers.com - MTA:SA Türk Sunucuları
2017年8月10日 · 11) Flood (Sürekli /sa komutunu kullanmak vb.) ya da spam yapmak yasaktır. 5 dakika susturulma ile cezalandırılır. Tekrarlanması halinde verilen ceza ikiye katlanır. Tekrarlanması halinde verilen ceza ikiye katlanır.