onClientPaste - Multi Theft Auto: Wiki
This event triggers when user paste whatever (CTRL + V). This event isn't triggered if menu or console is visible or if any browser is focused, or if cursor is invisible.
setClipboard - Multi Theft Auto: Wiki
2021年7月2日 · This function sets the players clipboard text (what appears when you paste with CTRL + V) Syntax bool setClipboard ( string theText ) Required Arguments theText: The new …
[Tool] One-Click Paste MTA:SA - Multi Theft Auto: Forums
2013年5月17日 · hi , i've created this simple tool which allow you to paste text in mta:sa chatbox. this tool pastes the text from your clipboard into mta:sa chatbox with one click on Insert key or …
EndoSeal MTA - Maruchi USA
ENDOSEAL MTA is a paste-type root canal sealer based on pozzolan cement that has excellent physical and biological properties of MTA. It is premixed and pre-loaded in a syringe that …
MTA:SA - Pastebin
Here you can paste sources and general debugging text. You can even set yourself a password if you want to keep it just for yourself. Most of MTA forum rules apply on this site. Tip: To …
Community - chat2 | Multi Theft Auto
- Copy/paste from/to input (no more console -> say someLongMessageOrUrl) - Customizable (now you can unify a chat for all of your players) - Extendable (for example you can make url …
Copy & Paste Issue - General - Multi Theft Auto: Forums
2013年3月15日 · I cannot Copy and Paste (Ctrl + C | Ctrl + V) on MTA anymore. I used to be able to, vie the console, copying text and then pasting it, but I cannot anymore. Keep in mind I can …
Client Commands - Multi Theft Auto: Wiki
2024年3月27日 · This page lists all built in commands that the client can process. These commands can be entered directly to the client console or via the chatbox by putting a / …
MTA作为根管封闭剂对根管充填后根尖微渗漏的体外实验研究 - 道 …
2014年12月23日 · MTA (Mineral trioxide aggragate)是 目前 被 广泛 应用于临床和基础研究的一种新型生物材料, 近年来 该材料在口腔方面的应用越来越广泛, 其应用于根尖 诱导成形术 、 …
MTA createBarrier Script - Pastebin.com
Sign Up, it unlocks many cool features! if source == addbarrier then. end. if( thePlayer )and( c < m )then. local x, y, z = getElementPosition ( thePlayer ) local barrier1 = createObject (2896, x, y, …