Modules/Sockets - Multi Theft Auto: Wiki
This module provides socket related functions and events for MTA:SA. Sockets provide various possibilities such as opening a webpage, connecting to irc etc. 32 bit: Copy 32 bit ml_sockets.dll into the MTA San Andreas\server\mods\deathmatch\modules\ directory. 64 bit: Copy 64 bit ml_sockets.dll into the MTA San Andreas\server\x64\modules\ directory.
Modules/sockets/sockOpen - Multi Theft Auto: Wiki
This function is provided by the external module Sockets. You must install this module to use this function. This function creates a socket. Returns userdata that represents the socket if you correct arguments were given, false otherwise. This piece of code connects to irc.gtanet.com, joins #mta and quits in 10 seconds. function (socket)
[REL] Socket Module (TCP/UDP) (Server/Client) - Multi Theft Auto: …
2012年8月6日 · The module adds socket functions & events to mta, sockets are used for communication between computers. See wikipedia for more info: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_socket. Installation: - download ml_sockets (https://rapidshare.com/files/2826542902/ml_sockets.zip) - unzip. - place ml_sockets in (..server\mods\deathmatch\modules)
mtasa-modules/sockets/README at master - GitHub
* * * ****************************************************************************** * INTRODUCTION This is the 'ml_base' module that exports the standard interface used by the Multi Theft Auto: San Andreas Deathmatch server and it's Lua scripting engine to allow C/C++ developers to add functionality to their servers.
[REL] Socket Module & IRC Resource - Resources - Multi Theft …
2010年5月9日 · I proudly present you ml_sockets a c++ extension for mta 1.0, it was made by Gamesnert, MCvarial & x86. The module adds socket functions & events to mta, sockets are used for communication between computers.
TCP sockets module, am I using it right? - Multi Theft Auto: Forums
2016年4月13日 · I'm trying to use sockets to send data between resources on different servers. I also found another module for sockets, but didn't try it out yet. https://forum.multitheftauto.com/viewtopic.php?f=108&t=46338
mtasa-modules/sockets/src/ml_sockets.cpp at master - GitHub
This project maintains a selection of modules that can be used with Multi Theft Auto. - mtasa-modules/sockets/src/ml_sockets.cpp at master · multitheftauto/mtasa-modules
Modules/Sockets/sockWrite - Multi Theft Auto: Wiki
This function writes data to a socket. Syntax bool sockWrite ( socket theSocket, string data) Required arguments theSocket: The socket to write the data to. data: The data you wanna send. Returns Returns a boolean true if the data was send, false otherwise. Example This piece of code connects to irc.gtanet.com, joins #mta and quits in 10 seconds.
GitHub - imfelipedev/mta-sdk: Library created with the purpose …
Library created with the purpose of streamlining development, enabling developers to establish a direct connection with MTA:SA more efficiently. Fetch data from servers or from a server. Import SDK. Retrieve all servers and their information. Retrieve information for the ip server. Required.
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