Subway Wall - MTA
Artist Harry Roseman created a bronze wall relief for the Wall St station that respects and highlights the underlying geology of the area while providing an experience for unsuspecting commuters. As he described his work, " [This site] is underground, in the 'earth,' under an urban setting...Rocks are interspersed among tiles.
Object IDs - Multi Theft Auto: Wiki
2024年11月4日 · This page displays a subset of object model IDs that can be placed using the map editor, createObject and createBuilding. Object model IDs can also be listed and …
Category: Walls, page 1 of 2 - Prineside
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[HELP] Wall walking system - Scripting - Multi Theft Auto: Forums
2023年10月14日 · Is there a way to recreate this wall walking system at MTA? I know there is a script called "Gravity Wheels" created by user @Ren_712 but it only works on vehicles, I was wondering if there is a way to adapt that system on players?
Category: Fences, walls, gates and barriers, page 1 of 9
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Wall Objects - Support - Multi Theft Auto: Forums
2020年6月15日 · If you're able to learn to convert a wall, you could convert the entire SAMP library yourself. If you need to know more about MTA modding, please see this thread: https://forum.multitheftauto.com/topic/119240-mta-modding-in-3d/
I Need id of the wall - Multi Theft Auto: Forums
2009年7月23日 · Image of the wall: give me the id pls? the wall is a wall of real house in real life.
2 Train (7 Avenue Express) Line Map - MTA
Terminal station: The first or last station on a line. Local service: A train which always operates and stops at every station on the line. Express service: A train that does not always operate or sometimes skips a station. ADA accessible stations: Stations that have features to accommodate customers with disabilities. Subway Station.
MTA Live Subway Map
New York City's digital subway map. See real-time, nighttime, and weekend subway routes, train arrival times, service alerts, emergency updates, accessible stations, and more.
2022年6月27日 · NOVO DISCORD: https://discord.gg/6u4mYbkYNOVO DISCORD: https://discord.gg/6u4mYbkYNOVO DISCORD: https://discord.gg/6u4mYbkY 💼 Shark Roleplay: https://discor...