r/SCP on Reddit: MTF Beta-2 Bayou Boys gotta be one of the most ...
2024年5月22日 · In my headcanon a different MTF commander has Louisiana roots, and I know he absolutely MUST know Beta-2’s leader. I’m sure off duty people on the various MTFs chat about whatever they can that isn’t classified. 😁👍
Strongest MTFs : r/SCP - Reddit
2021年12月20日 · This is my list of the Strongest MTFs. Feel free to post your opinions and disagreements in the comments. I am only including MTFs from the main page.
MTF BETA-2 and ALPHA 1 : r/SCP - Reddit
2021年9月26日 · MTF BETA-2 and ALPHA 1 OC Artwork Archived post. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast ...
Scps that go into detail about mtfs : r/SCP - Reddit
2023年9月6日 · Im interested in other mtf groups aswell and specifically the strategies, equipment and technology they employ. Its always “mobile task force beta 2, the fartclobbers, were able to capture and recontain scp-096” but like how did they do it? How do they give everyone in a city amnestics? How does mtf mu-13 catch ghosts?
MTF Beta-112M: Ministry Six : r/HPfanfiction - Reddit
2020年12月10日 · Formation: MTF Beta-112 began as a study group consisting of several Type Green-2 teenagers attending SCP-M612.
What are your favorite MTF’s and why? : r/SCP - Reddit
Well that’s the real secret. The foundation could actually kill 682 and stop the Scarlett king at any time but they’d have to make cuts to the budget for the people who name MTFs and obviously one is a way more worthwhile investment than the other so….
SCP - Mobile Task Force Beta-7 operator concept art. : r/SCP
2022年7月6日 · from the wiki “Mobile Task Force Beta-7 specializes in the acquisition and containment of anomalies exhibiting extreme biological, chemical, or radiological hazards as well as the rapid containment and cleanup of areas affected by such anomalies.
My WIP MTF Beta-7 ("Maz Hatters") cosplay : r/SCP - Reddit
2020年6月18日 · Eventually I’ll get around to messaging my pants right now I’m working with the free stuff I’ve got LOL first goal is to get my helmet then probably a new mask then I’ll work on getting the pants and the small stuff like I plant upgrade my gloves to full length black gloves like the ones you see in Walmart in the dishwashing section.
MTF Beta - 777 "Hecate's Spear" Operative : r/SCP - Reddit
2023年1月17日 · "Mobile Task Force, Unit Beta - 777, designated "Hecate's Spear" has entered the facility. All remaining survivors are advised to stay in the evacuation shelters or any other safe area until the units have secured the facility.
Whats the difference between these 2 task forces, chi-7 just
Beta-7 can isolate and contain anomalies that are the source of an outbreak as well as the cleanup operation. Chi-7 contain actual anomalous biohazards - ergo if some rogue Euclid was spreading a pathogen in an emergency, you'd send Beta-7. If it was an outbreak of an example of an anomalous pathogen, rather than a subject which could be ...