All the Commander/EDH Deck Themes and Archetypes - MTG …
Oct 6, 2023 · I don't like the term "Up-Tempo Decks" (cheating the Mana Curve). Tempo means effecting the opponents board presence traditionally. So something like Cast cheating. Instead of - "+1/+1 or -1/-1 Counters" , have; Counters Matter (+1/+1, -1/-1, any type) Because often decks have a theme around literally all types of different counters.
Which is the most aggressive/fastest killing commander?
Sep 21, 2015 · In terms of sheer aggressiveness, a commander with a good p/t ratio and strong stats can easily wipe another player out. Looking at the commander on its own, either Akroma is pretty aggressive, and will kill in 4 hits; Zurgo Helmsmasher, as previously mentioned; pretty much anything with power 7 or greater can be an aggressive commander on its own.
very quick winning decks - Commander (EDH) - MTG Salvation
Oct 7, 2009 · no fear. I just don't feel like explaining that just because the top-decks in the format can consistently win by a particular set of turns doesn't mean that no other deck in the format can win consistently. However I guess I have no choice in the matter. There are of course various other consistent decks aside from Arcum, Zur, Rofellos, and Rafiq.
What is the Most Mindbendingly Broken Deck? - MTG Salvation
Oct 22, 2014 · For everyone's reference: His main competitive decks are Edric, Spymaster of Trest weenies and Damia stax. Both are very fast to set up and run 24 and 16 counterspells respectively. Both are very fast to set up and run 24 and 16 counterspells respectively.
BIG Guide to building your EDH / Commander Deck - MTG Salvation
Jan 14, 2013 · Voltron - Voltron decks try to put a commander on the field and equip him and/or enchant him with cards that make him hard to deal with to do a quick 21 points of general damage. Some commonly seen cards are Lightning Greaves , Whispersilk Cloak , Sword of Body and Mind , Shield of the Oversoul , Argentum Armor , Steel of the Godhead ...
Compendium: 1v1 Competitive Decks - 1 vs 1 Commander - MTG …
Mar 1, 2013 · Against decks that use creatures (which, on the whole, is most decks), recurring Warren Weirding, Gempalm Incinerator, or Nameless Inversion each turn is extremely difficult to beat. There are also many other cards to accrue card advantage as the game goes long, like Phyrexian Arena and the 3 planeswalkers.
Options for solo playtesting? - Commander (EDH) - MTG Salvation
Sep 24, 2014 · So I've recently gone down from having two mediocre Commander decks to one better one (Ghave, Guru of Spores). However, I'm always in the process of tweaking the deck. The trouble is that the Commander community tends to be scattered here, and I can't frequently get out to actually play the deck.
The 100-Card Deck Limitation - Commander Rules ... - MTG Salvation
Aug 5, 2018 · Commander, more so than any other format, is built on player expression. Nowhere else do we see such a wide variety of decks, and the format as a whole is richer because of it. That intense vibrancy is one of Commander's greatest features, and further expanding upon the kinds of decks players can build will only help make the format more vibrant.
The most synergistic EDH deck you have seen? - MTG Salvation
Jan 29, 2013 · Decks: Commander/EDH: W U Hanna, Ship's Navigator W U G W Saffi Eriksdotter G W B W Selenia, Dark Angel B W W Heliod, God of Sun W Retired: Jenara, Asura of War Thada Adel, Acquisitor Jaya Ballard, Task Mage Lin Sivvi, Defiant Hero Lyzolda, the Blood Witch Akroma, Angel of Wrath Nath of the Gilt-Leaf Tajic, Blade of the Legion Selvala, Explorer ...
The most evil commander decks - MTG Salvation
Mar 3, 2022 · It's not the commander that does the damage it is the Stony Silence and Rest in Peace and other ongoing control elements. Because my deck is adept at giving Ojutai vigilance I have Meekstone and blind obedience to keep my opponent's larger creatures down.