MTR > Annual Report 2002 - 港铁
Annual Report 2002 MTR Corporation Limited 0066. Please view the following content with Acrobat Reader. Please click here to download the full report.
港鐵Rotem列車 | 香港鐵路大典 | Fandom
用於 將軍澳綫 的列車型號為「TKE-CR51」型列車;用於 東涌綫 的則為「TKE-CR522-04E」型列車。 全數用以取代 1982年 起投入服務的 港鐵中期翻新列車。 這是一個消歧義頁——使用同樣標題的條目列表。 如果您是通過某個 內部鏈接 而轉到本頁,希望您能將該內部鏈接指向正確的主條目中。 除非另有註明,否則社區內容均使用 CC-BY-SA 授權條款。
— MTR was invited by Beijing Century Sun Real Estate Development to provide property management services to its Palm Springs International Apartments in Beijing. — MTR was rated the best among all major public transport providers in Hong Kong for the fourth consecutive year according to survey conducted
MTR > Summary Financial Report 2002 - 港铁
Summary Financial Report 2002 MTR Corporation Limited 0066. Please view the following content with Acrobat Reader. Please click here to download the full report.
香港鐵路網 : 香港鐵路 : 歷史 : 港鐵
臨時管理局放棄採用單一承建合約的方法,將工程分為25個主要土木工程合約及10個電機及機械工程合約。 地下鐵路公司更正式成立,取代臨時管理局,監督工程的進行。 地下鐵路公司是由香港政府全東擁有,公司條例規定其需在審慎商業原則下經營。 修正早期系統包括 中環 、金鐘、尖沙咀、佐敦、 油麻地 、 旺角 、石硤尾、九龍塘、樂富、黃大仙、鑽石山、彩虹、九龍灣、牛頭角和觀塘。 一九七五年十一月動工興建,全長15.6公里,將港島中環與九龍的主要住宅及工業區 …
Also in 2002, we became one of the first companies in Hong Kong to publish (in English and Chinese) a short-form annual report, under new legislation enacted in 2002, providing retail investors with a
MTR > Interim Report 2002
Interim Report 2002 MTR Corporation Limited 0066. Please view the following content with Acrobat Reader. Please click here to download the full report.
A key challenge in 2002 was to maintain ridership and revenues. We achieved this through continuous service improvements and fare incentives designed to retain existing passengers and attract new ones. The opening of the Tseung Kwan O Line in August boosted ridership in 2002, with the MTR Lines recording total passenger volume of 777 million ...
【MTR】2002年 K-train上线运营体验(MC) ... 【港铁MTR】港铁迪士尼线开关门 【MTR】在九龙塘站观察东铁列車翻新情况(1998.8) ...
recent declining trend. Indeed, on Christmas Eve 2002, MTR patronage reached a record 3.1 million. One strategy to increase ridership included improvement of linkages with other modes of transport and to this end, we extended our trial intermo dal fare discount scheme for passengers using feeder buses and installed “Fare Saver”