港鐵 > 港鐵路綫圖
大部份港鐵站內的大堂都設有街道圖,指示出港鐵站鄰近的酒店、文娛設施、購物中心、主要大廈及其最近港鐵站出入口。 站內也有位置圖指示站內設施。
MTR > System Map - 港铁
Please click the map below to view or download the PDF file. Location maps showing leading hotels, shopping centres and major buildings and their nearest station exit are strategically positioned in high-profile locations on most station concourses. Station layouts are also available.
Fast Exit - 港铁
Open the MTR route map to plan your journey and access various travel information instantly! Looking for the exit to get out in advance? The "Fast Exit" function in the "Trip Planner" shows you which specific train car and door number to board so you can reach your destination more quickly.
Category : Central Station (MTR) exits and entrances - Wikimedia
2018年8月9日 · Media in category "Central Station (MTR) exits and entrances" The following 158 files are in this category, out of 158 total.
中環站 - Central Station - mtr.hk365day.com
該站是荃灣線香港島的總站及港島線中途站,並以行人通道與東涌線和機場快線的香港站相連。 該站採用磚紅色為主要色調,然而荃灣線月台則使用深咖啡色作為主調。 該站共設有兩個大堂:畢打街大堂與遮打道大堂。 畢打街大堂位於畢打街地底, 其後又因機場鐵路連接通道而作翻新及擴建,設有行人通道連接香港站的東涌線和機場快線相連。 其實他們只是身處於畢打街大堂。 遮打道大堂,由地鐵修正早期系統至今早已興建,位於遮打道地底,中環站為全港首個車站設有雙層 …
Category : Tsim Sha Tsui Station exits and entrances - Wikimedia
2021年6月1日 · See also category: East Tsim Sha Tsui Station exits and entrances. This category has the following 12 subcategories, out of 12 total. The following 153 files are in this category, out of 153 total.
High Speed Rail > Exit Information - MTR
Location maps showing leading hotels, shopping centres and major buildings and their nearest station exit are strategically positioned in high-profile locations on Hong Kong West Kowloon station concourse. Station layouts are also available. Location map: Download. Hong Kong West Kowloon Station Layout:
MTR Mobile. 街道圖 Street map. 部份資料由第三方提供 Part of the information is provided by third parties ...
北角站 - North Point Station - mtr.hk365day.com
也是 將軍澳線 的西面終點站。 車站共設有四個月台,並裝有月台幕門。 車站月台離地面向下約7-10層樓宇高度。 車站開設初期只設有兩個側式月台供 港島線 使用,
East Tsim Sha Tsui Station exits and entrances - Wikimedia
2018年4月6日 · Between MTR Tsim Sha Tsui Station Exit G and KCR East Tsim Sha Tsui Station Exit M3.jpg 3,072 × 2,304; 1.37 MB MTR ETS TST.JPG 3,648 × 2,736; 2.89 MB Merger of KCR and MTR operations 2007-12-02 02h41m14s SN208180.JPG 3,072 × 2,304; 3.42 MB
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