High Speed Rail > Homepage - MTR
The 26km High Speed Rail (Hong Kong Section) runs from West Kowloon and connects Hong Kong with the Mainland’s 25,000 km national high-speed rail network. Whether it is for business or leisure, you can explore more destinations with the reliable and …
高速鐵路 > 主頁 - MTR
全長26公里的高速鐵路 (香港段)以西九龍為起點,連接超過25,000公里的國家高鐵網絡。 無論商務出行,抑或旅遊探親,高鐵帶給你一個舒適可靠的旅程,讓你以嶄新旅遊模式發掘更多更遠的地方!
廣深港高速鐵路香港段 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
廣深港高速鐵路香港段 (英語: Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong High Speed Rail Hong Kong Section),港鐵又称 高速鐵路 (英語: High Speed Rail)或 高鐵香港段[2],是 香港 的 高速鐵路 路線,南起於 西九龍填海區 的 香港西九龍站,北迄於香港與 中國內地 深圳市 的邊界,總長26公里,途經 大角咀 、 深水埗 、 長沙灣 、 葵涌 以及 新界 的 大帽山 、 石崗 、 雞公嶺 、 牛潭尾 及 米埔 等地的地底,沿途不設站。 路段北端連接 廣深港高速鐵路廣深段,並與38,000公 …
Guangzhou–Shenzhen–Hong Kong Express Rail Link - Wikipedia
The Guangzhou–Shenzhen–Hong Kong Express Rail Link (XRL), also known as the Guangshengang XRL, is a high-speed railway line that connects Guangzhou and Hong Kong (Kowloon) via Shenzhen.
Hong Kong Express Rail Link - Wikipedia
The Hong Kong section of the Guangzhou–Shenzhen–Hong Kong Express Rail Link (sometimes abbreviated "XRL HK section") is a 26 km (16 mi) long stretch of high-speed rail that runs along a dedicated underground rail corridor [1] linking Hong Kong to mainland China. It is one of the most expensive infrastructure undertakings in Hong Kong's history.
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MTR Mobile; MTR · Care App; High Speed Rail; Community. Station Rail Voyage; MTR Gallery; Community Connect; Art in MTR; Sustainability Reporting; MTR Academy. About MTR Academy; ... High Speed Rail Ticket; Airport Express Ticket; Tourist Day Pass; MTR e-Store; Go Smart Go Beyond. Our Story; Ideas & Initiatives; Our Service Performance.
Bengaluru — MTR | Mavalli Tiffin Rooms
HSR LAYOUT #169, 19th Main, Sector 4, HSR layout, Bengaluru - 560 102. Ph: +91 98867 05959. Hours of operation: 7:00 am - 9:30 pm Payment modes: Cash / Mastercard / Visa Closed on Mondays
High Speed Rail (Hong Kong Section) (“HSR”) will further expand its network and enhance its service. Starting from 15 June (Saturday), HSR will introduce a new long-haul route to Hunan Province, adding six new destinations that directly connect to popular tourist destinations such as Zhangjiajie and Fenghuanggucheng.
High Speed Rail > High Speed Rail - MTR
Speedy: Running at 200km/h in the Hong Kong Section and up to 350km/h in the Mainland Section, High Speed Rail is the fastest cross-boundary land transport in Hong Kong. Direct: Connecting you from Hong Kong to many Mainland stations without interchange. Reliable: Punctual and less affected by traffic conditions.
香港鐵路 : 香港高速鐵路時刻表 - 香港鐵路網 HKRail.Net
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