Mill Test Report (MTR) aka Material Test Reports | OnlineMetals.com…
Mill Test Report (MTR) – also referred to as a Certified Mill Test Report, Certified Material Test Report, Metallurgical Test Report, Mill Test Certificate (MTC), Inspection Certificate or Certificate of Test – certifies a material’s chemical and physical properties and states a product made of metal is in compliance with an international ...
内存规格--MHz还是MT/s? - 知乎
MT/s全称 Million Transfers Per Second意为每秒百万次传输,1T/s和1Hz,这两个单位前者指的是每秒做了一次传输,后者指每秒1时钟周期。 又因为DDR信号每个时钟信号可以传输2次,所以实际的传输速率为1Hz=2T/s,1MHz=2MT/s。
Material Test Reports (MTR): What is an MTR? - B-S Company Inc.
A material test report (MTR) measures the specific chemical content and physical properties of a specific manufactured product. BS Company, a leading pipe, valve, fitting and flange distributor explains what MTRs are, what they tell you as a buyer of PVF products, and how to understand the information they present.
What is a Material Test Report (MTR)? How to Read a Material …
A Material Test Report (MTR) is a document that provides information on the physical and chemical properties of a material. The report is typically generated by the manufacturer or supplier of the material and provides information on the material’s composition, mechanical properties, heat treatment, and other important information.
What are MTRs and How Do I Read Them? - API International, Inc.
Mill Certs and MTRs are standard documents used by manufacturers to show information about either the raw material or finished product. The reports show full physical and chemical results referenced typically by the size of the raw material or by …
Material test reports (MTR): How to read them - B-S Company Inc.
Material test reports (MTR’s) are performance measurements of a material supplier’s product. They certify that the product’s physical and chemical properties conform to industry standards. …
港鐵南港島綫列車 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
港鐵南港島綫列車 (英語: MTR South Island Line S-Train),制造商型號為 DKZ50,是 港鐵公司 的 直流電 客運電動列車,於2016年12月28日正式投入服務,行走於 南港島綫。 這款電動列車由 中車 長春軌道客車 製造,設計使用壽命可達40年,其最高營運 時速 為80 公里。 2012年4月16日, 港鐵 召開記者會,宣佈已向 長春軌道客車 購入10列3卡 南港島綫 無人駕駛列車,合共30卡 [2],外型以及車廂設計近似市區綫同款車 [3];法國MBD設計事務所負責列車內部設計, …
What is Material Test Report (MTR)/ Mill Test Report?
Material test report or Mill test report certifies that the chemical analysis and mechanical properties are in conformance with the specified specification. An MTR certifies a material’s compliance with the standard specification such as ASME Section II Part A and B or ASTM.
Mill Test Reports (MTR's) - Unified Alloys
A Mill Test Report (MTR) is a quality assurance document highlighting the physical and chemical properties of a material. These certificates indicate a metal product's compliance with international standards such ANSI and ASME.
MTR | testmetals
What is a Material Test Report (MTR)? A MTR is a quality assurance document that is used in most metal-making industries which certifies a material's compliance to certain specifications or standards.