Multi-Spectral Targeting System (MTS) AN/AAS-52 - Defense …
2005年11月15日 · The MTS multi-sensor payload integrates infrared and CCDTV sensors, laser rangefinder, designator, and illuminator with optional addition of a laser spot tracker. The system provides high rate of stabilization (six axis) and flexible operating modes including integrated line-of-sight targeting (for laser designating), sensor fusion and ...
Multi-Spectral Targeting System (MTS) | Raytheon - RTX
Raytheon's Multi-Spectral Targeting System (MTS) combines electro-optical/ infrared (EO/IR), laser designation, and laser illumination capabilities in a single sensor package.
AN/AAS-52 - Guide to Military Equipment and Civil Aviation
The Raytheon's AN/AAS-52 is a multi-spectral system designed to provide surveillance, targeting, rangefinding, tracking and laser designation for Hellfire missiles and other laser-guided munitions. Basically, it consists of spot laser, IR and Electro-Optical sensors.
Raytheon’s Airborne FLIR Sensor Ball Systems - Teal Group
2019年11月25日 · The AN/AAS-52 MTS-A and AN/DAS-1 MTS-B have been contracted for major production for USAF and international armed Predators and Predator B Reapers. The MTS-B is a considerably different system, with longer lenses and other modifications for the much higher altitude MQ-9 Reaper.
With electro-optical, infrared, laser designation, and laser illumination capabilities integrated in a single sensor package, Raytheon’s AN/AAS-52 Multi-Spectral Targeting System provides superior detecting, ranging, and tracking for today’s military forces worldwide.
AAS-52 多光谱瞄准系统(MTS) - 电子发烧友网
2019年5月10日 · AAS-52多光谱瞄准系统(MTS)将会在整个预测期内进行稳定数量的生产,用于美国及其信任的盟友,以满足对MQ-9 捕食者和死神无人机的需求。该系统还在美军的MH-60 Sierra多任务战斗直升机和AC-130U “幽灵”炮艇上使用。
MTZ-52 – Wikipedia
Der MTZ-52 (russisch МТЗ-52, im deutschen Sprachraum zumeist MTS-52 transkribiert, bekannt auch in Kombination mit dem Markennamen Belarus) ist ein Traktor, der ab 1964 im Minski Traktorny Sawod produziert wurde. Bei dem Modell handelt es sich um eine Version des MTZ-50 mit Allradantrieb.
AN/AAS-52 Multi-Spectral Targeting System - Military Periscope
The AN/AAS-52 Multi-Spectral Targeting System (MTS) is a multi-role electro-optical/infrared (EO/IR), laser illumination and laser detecting-ranging-tracking set developed for integration with military platforms.
TractorData.com Belarus MTZ-52 tractor information
2020年3月24日 · TractorData is a family-owned small business located in Minnesota that has been providing reference information on tractors since 1999. Consult official literature from the manufacturer before attempting any service or repair.
WXRedian | 兵工科技数据党 | MTS-B型多频谱瞄准系统
2024年9月25日 · MTS-B型多光谱瞄准系统是雷神公司为“捕食者”无人机研制的光电瞄准设备,该系统是一个塔楼状前向吊舱,集成了多波长传感器、近红外和彩色日光电视摄像机、光源、人眼安全测距仪、图像融合、斑点跟踪器和其他电子设备,用于远程监视和高空目标捕获、跟踪,可以为地狱火、海尔法导弹等激光制导弹药进行激光制导。 MTS-B型多光谱瞄准系统重104公斤,具备全方位视角的能力,可以自动融合多个传感器的图像,具备同时跟踪多个弹道导弹目标的能力, …