MTT is the premier provider of turbine powered FiFi fire fighting packages used by offshore vessels in the Gulf of Mexico and throughout the world. The MTT turbine powered FiFi fire fighting packages have a water flow volume range between 5,285 Gallons per Minute...
MTT Turbine Superbike - Wikipedia
The MTT Y2K Turbine Motorcycle, also known as the Y2K Turbine Superbike, is an American motorcycle powered by a turboshaft engine, made by Marine Turbine Technologies since 2000. The bikes are not mass-produced in continuous series; each unique bike is hand made to order after receiving the buyer's specifications. [ 1 ]
MTT渦輪超級機車 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
MTT渦輪超級機車 (英語: MTT Turbine Superbike)又稱 Y2K渦輪超級機車,是 美國 路易斯安那州 海軍陸戰隊渦輪科技 公司所生產之 摩托车,常簡稱為 Y2K。 該款車採接單製造,售價為150,000 美元 (至2004年為止售價為185,000美元)。 Y2K 採用 勞斯萊斯 製造的Allison 250系列 渦輪軸引擎,為 貝爾直升機 的發動機,最高 馬力 為 320匹(238kW),後輪動力為286匹,最高轉速可達52,000 rpm,最大 扭力 為425ft/lbs,名列為 探索頻道 世界十大機車排名第四名。 …
MTT420RR Superbike for Sale - Nostalgic Motoring Ltd
Nostalgic Motoring Ltd. is the exclusive, authorized dealer of these incredible Superbikes. Manufactured by Motorsports Turbine Technologies (MTT) in Louisiana USA. These bikes are their newest offering. The 420RR takes their original, groundbreaking Y2K Superbike to the next level. It is truly the fastest production motorcycle in the world ...
Marine Turbine Technologies - Wikipedia
Marine Turbine Technologies (MTT) is an American turbine manufacturer based in Franklinton, Louisiana. The company develops, designs and produces high performance turbines for primarily for marine applications, boats and fire-suppression pumps.
MTT Y2K Turbine Superbike - Motorcycle Specifications
Headed by Ted McIntyre II, MTT built the Streetfighter that powered by Rolls Royce-Allison turbine to produce 420bhp and 680Nm of torque. While the Y2K Turbine Superbike could run to top speed of 227 mph (365 km/h), the MTT Streetfighter faster at least 400km/h.
420-HP Turbine Superbike: The MTT 420 RR - BikeBound
2023年6月21日 · Fast forward to today, and the new version is the MTT 420 RR, boasting a 420-hp Rolls-Royce C20B gas turbine engine designed to run on diesel, kerosene, or Jet-A. The engine is actually mounted upside-down to direct the exhaust downward, and the frame, swingarm, and most everything other component of the bike were developed in-house to ...
MTT Y2K Superbike: The First Turbine-Powered Street Legal …
2020年4月21日 · World’s first turbine-powered street-legal motorcycle, MTT Y2K Superbike was made by MTT, Marine Turbine technologies in 2000. Almost 20 years later it still remains as one of the fastest bikes in the world!
世界十大超酷摩托车MTT Turbine Superbike Y2K→MAIGOO百科
MTT涡轮超级机车(MTT Turbine Superbike)又称Y2K涡轮超级机车,是美国路易斯安那州海军陆战队涡轮科技公司所生产之摩托车,简称为Y2K。 此款摩托车为史上速度最快的量产机种,同时也是金氏世界纪录速度最快的二轮摩托车,极速可达365km/h(227 mph)。
摩托车中的洪水猛兽 - MTT Turbine(Y2K Turbine) - 摩托车二 …
2015年5月17日 · MTT Turbine即国内常说的Y2K,是一款双轮摩托,配备了直升机引擎。 千万不要小看这个外形有点呆萌的摩托车,它可是一辆不折不扣的野兽。 当MTT的董事长Ted Mclntyre宣称要制造一款极致的摩托车时,他把这个任务交给了Christian Travert (一个前职业车手并且是个 …