Michigan Test for Teacher Certification(MTTC)
Updated Preparation Strategies for the Michigan Test for Teacher Certification (MTTC) video and slide deck are now available on the Prepare page.
MTTC Practice Tests
MTTC Practice Tests Full-Length Practice Test with Registration . For many tests, you will be given access to a full-length online practice test with registration. The online practice test includes multiple-choice questions and written constructed-response assignments(s), if applicable, representative of the actual test.
Prepare - mttc.nesinc.com
Prepare. Preparation materials are available for every test. Select a test from the dropdown list to access preparation materials by test, or choose a product from the categories below.
Test Dates and Sites - mttc.nesinc.com
All MTTC tests are now administered through computer-based testing (CBT) by appointment only. Most are available year-round, Monday through Saturday (excluding some holidays), at test centers throughout the United States, its territories, and …
Sign In - mttc.nesinc.com
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Contact Us - mttc.nesinc.com
MTTC appointments: www.pearsonvue.com/mttc Includes chat and email Phone: (800) 989-8532. Mon–Fri: 8:00 a.m.–8:00 p.m. eastern time Sat: 8:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m. eastern time Excluding local holidays, as posted on VUE's Customer Service page
What Tests Do I Need to Take? - mttc.nesinc.com
MTTC Requirements for In-State Teacher Candidates. If you are completing or have completed a Michigan-approved teacher preparation program, please contact your Michigan Preparation Provider with questions regarding testing. Here is a list of providers with contact information . When to Take the Tests
About the Tests - mttc.nesinc.com
The examinations of the Michigan Test for Teacher Certification (MTTC) program are the only tests that satisfy the elementary-level and subject-area testing requirements for teacher certification in Michigan at this time.
MTTC Study Guide
Table outlining the test format, number of questions, time, and passing score. Format: Computer-based test (CBT) Number of Questions: 100 multiple-choice questions
Michigan Test for Teacher Certification(MTTC)
Policies: Review the MTTC testing, registration, and score reporting policies. Previous Next Tests : Find information about each test, including when and where you can test.