Michigan Technological University
Michigan Technological University is an R1 flagship technological research university founded in 1885. Our campus is situated just miles from Lake Superior in Michigan's Upper Peninsula. Learn more about our degree programs.
Colleges and Departments | Michigan Tech
Our 15+ undergraduate engineering majors and 29 graduate engineering programs serve students across nine departments. Our students and curriculum embrace the spirit of hard work and fortitude our founders once had. See why Michigan Tech's Enterprise Program is one of the top seven capstone programs in the nation.
College of Computing - Michigan Technological University
In the Michigan Tech College of Computing, students work closely with faculty and peers to build the practical and theoretical knowledge and experience they'll need to join the inventors, engineers, coders, and innovators of tomorrow. Ready to take the next step? Learn more about studying computing at Michigan's flagship technological university.
Michigan Technological University - Wikipedia
Michigan Technological University (Michigan Tech, MTU, or simply Tech) is a public research university in Houghton, Michigan, United States, founded in 1885 as the Michigan Mining School, the first post-secondary institution in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. [4][5]
密歇根理工大学 - 百度百科
密歇根理工大学(Michigan Technological University),简称“MTU”,是位于美国密歇根州的一所公立理工类研究型大学,校区位于该州上半岛的霍顿市(Houghton),临近加拿大,五大湖之一的苏必利尔湖支流流经校园,景色怡人。
密西根理工大學 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
密西根理工大學 (Michigan Technological University,缩写: MTU)成立於1885年,前身為密西根礦業學院(Michigan Mining College)。 當時為 美國 銅礦業鼎盛時期,特別是在 密西根上半島 開採出大量高純度的銅礦。 成立目的是為了因應當地對礦業人才殷切的需求,創立時主要培養礦業及冶金人才,後來逐漸發展成為培養工程、科學、人文、藝術、商業等高級專業人才的全方位大學,授予學位從學士、碩士、博士,學科領域涵蓋各類工程、人文、藝術、社會科學、商業、經 …
Home | Munster Technological University - MTU
MTU is a dynamic hub of education, research, innovation and collaboration! MTU offers over 140 courses, from apprenticeships to PhDs. Watch the video
Michigan Tech Engineering - doe.mtu.edu
Michigan Tech’s College of Engineering has been among the best nationally for decades, attracting students and faculty from every state and more than 80 countries around the world. Our students are noted for their interest in active learning and cutting edge discovery.
Michigan Technological University - College of Sciences and Arts
Michigan Technological University has been rated one of the best universities in the Midwest for the second year in a row, according to the Princeton Review. Tech is one of 153 institutions the Princeton Review recommends in the "Best in the Midwest" section of its "2013 Best Colleges: Region by Region," on PrincetonReview.com...
College of Engineering | Michigan Tech - Michigan Technological University
At Michigan Technological University's College of Engineering, students gain hands-on experience through cutting-edge research, real-world problem-solving, and collaboration with industry leaders.