MTX Series - Overview - Processors - Professional Audio - Yamaha
Designed primarily for multi-zone commercial installations, MTX Series matrix processors are equipped with flexible processing functions that are essential to a wide variety of applications such as retail stores, restaurant/bars or banquet rooms.
Yamaha MTX5-D Matrix Processor - Sweetwater
2RU 34 x 16 Zone Matrix Mixer and Signal Processor with YDIF and Dante Digital I/O, Mini-YGDAI Card Slot, MTX-MRX Editor Software, and iPhone App Support
MTX系列 - 雅马哈(Yamaha)中国
mtx处理器采用ydif数字传输格式,可通过标准cat5以太网线缆提供16通道音频和字时钟传输。ydif可用于级联多个mtx系列设备,或通过非常简单的线缆(最长30米)将音频信号馈送到xmv系列功放。 分发模式 - 最多16通道的音频可以从上游设备流到下游设备。
MTX 系列 - 總覽 - 數位處理器 - 專業音響 - 產品 - Yamaha - 台灣
該系列由兩種型號組成,具有不同的 dsp 容量和擴充能力,讓 mtx 處理器可滿足令人印象深刻的各種商業環境需求。 一台裝置整合多種功能 為音效系統設計的直覺圖形介面
Two useful digital processors “Reverb” and “Echo” for entertainment applications. Remotely control the volume and presets of multiple zones with DCP series wall mount digital controllers. Wireless DCP for iPhone and iPod touch is free available on the App Store.
MTX Series - プロセッサー - 概要 - ヤマハ
mtxシリーズは店舗等の中小規模設備に適したマトリクスプロセッサーです。 3バンドのパラメトリックEQ、コンプレッサー/ゲート、オートゲインコントロールの他、8つのプライオリティーダッカー、4系統のフィードバックサプレッサーを搭載しています。
本说明书通过MTX Editor 中预装的项目文件简单说明设 置步骤。了解MTX5-D 和MY4-AEC 的输入和输出之间的联系有助于配置符合需求的系统。 请参见设备的使用说明书以了解详细信息,并参见“MTX Editor 使用说明书”(PDF 文件) 以了解MTX Editor 的详细信息。 特别注意事项
MTX Series - Lineup - Processors - Professional Audio - Yamaha
MTX Series matrix processors are equipped with flexible processing functions that are essential to a wide variety of applications.
After initial programming, processors may be controlled via dedicated wall mount controller DCP series, PC software, 3rd party control systems and smart devices. The NC rating of the processor shall be 23 and the heat dissipation shall be maximum 55.9 kcal/h.
MTX Series - Specs - Processors - Professional Audio - Yamaha
MTX Series matrix processors are equipped with flexible processing functions that are essential to a wide variety of applications.
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