MU90轻型鱼雷 - 百度百科
MU90轻型鱼雷(MU90/IMPACT),是由意大利白头·艾尔尼亚系统公司、法国舰艇制造局 (DCN)国际部和法国泰利斯公司联合研制(即联合Eurotorp),在现今的武器市场上是一款崭 …
MU90 Impact - Wikipedia
The MU90 Impact is a Franco-Italian advanced lightweight anti-submarine torpedo of the third generation [3] developed for the French and Italian navies, as well as for export. It is designed …
法国MU-90轻型反潜鱼雷 - 百度百科
mu90鱼雷于1999年大批量服役,号称是世界上最先进的轻型鱼雷,性能优于美国mk50,是北约各成员国的标准配置,目前有舰载型和机载型两种。 舰载型安装了入水稳定器,以改进浅水水 …
MU90 Light-Weight Torpedo sea-proven legacy matches the …
2024年1月16日 · The MU90 is the only LWT with sea-proven ability to detect, classify, and attack any kind of submarine in a significant part of maritime approaches (near a rocky bottom and/or …
MU90 torpedo EuroTorp 12.75 inches 324 mm - Seaforces
The MU90 Impact is an advanced lightweight anti-submarine torpedo of the 3rd generation developed by France and Italy for navies of France, Italy, Germany, Denmark, Australia and …
EuroTorp’s MU90 Lightweight Torpedo - Defense Update
2023年5月4日 · EuroTorp, a consortium formed by three European companies – Naval Group, Thales, and Leonardo, has developed the most advanced lightweight torpedo (LWT) based on …
(S)关于MU90轻型鱼雷的作战能力分析 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
MU90鱼雷是一种轻型反潜鱼雷,全雷重304kg,雷长2.85m,直径323.7mm,采用主被动声自导系统,动力电源为铝-氧化银海水电池,推进器为泵喷射推进装置,可在多种平台上发射,用于 …
MU90 | Leonardo - Electronics
The MU90/IMPACT Advanced Lightweight Torpedo is the result of the Italian-French co-operation that started in 1991 after signing an agreement for the development and design of a joint …
MU90 Impact | Military Wiki - Fandom
The MU90/IMPACT is an advanced lightweight anti-submarine torpedo used by navies of Germany, France, Italy, Denmark, Australia and Poland. It is designed to compete with and …
The MU90/IMPACT torpedo is 323.7mm ‘NATO Standard’ calibre, weight 304kg and is 2850mm long. Powered through an Aluminium-Silver Oxide sea water battery using dissolved sodium …