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The Motor Vehicle Accident Fund of Namibia, under the MVA Fund Act No. 10 of 2007, is responsible for crash prevention and support for those impacted by motor vehicle accidents.
About Us - MVA Fund
The Motor Vehicle Accident Fund of Namibia, under the MVA Fund Act No. 10 of 2007, is responsible for crash prevention and support for those impacted by motor vehicle accidents.
Throughout the three decades of its existence, the MVA Fund has succeeded in dispensing third party insurance cover in a judicious manner. To enhance the quality of life by promoting safer mobility, compensating , rehabilitating and supporting those affected by road traffic crashes.
MVA Fund
The MVA Fund is a statutory body established to design, develop, promote and implement motor vehicle accident and injury prevention measures and provide benefits to all people using our roads in accordance with MVA Fund Act 10 of 2007.
Contact Us - MVA FUND
The Fund’s service excellence is enshrined in the philosophy of BOTHO which is a social contract of mutual respect, responsibility and accountability and also underpins the Fund’s core values. Contact Us
MVA Fund Benefits
The following are the benefits offered by the MVA Fund, in accordance with the MVA Fund Act 10 of 2007: A person involved in a motor vehicle crash is eligible for an undertaking amounting up to N$1,500,000.00, which provides for medical treatment, injury management, rehabilitation and …
What is the MVA Fund? The MVA Fund is a statutory body established to design, develop, promote and implement road crash and injury prevention measures. The Fund provides assistance and benefits to all people injured and dependants of those killed in road crashes in accordance with the MVA Fund Act 10 of 2007.
M V A Fund - Windhoek, Namibia - Contact Number, Email Address
2022年3月31日 · The MVA Fund is a statutory body established to design, develop, promote and implement motor vehicle accident and injury prevention measures and provide benefits to all people using our roads in accordance with MVA Fund Act 10 of 2007.
Downloads - MVA FUND
The Fund’s service excellence is enshrined in the philosophy of BOTHO which is a social contract of mutual respect, responsibility and accountability and also underpins the Fund’s core values.
History of the Fund – Sincephetelo MVA Fund
The MVA Fund was established by an Act of Parliament under the Motor Vehicle Accidents Act No. 13 of 1991 as the instrument by which the Government of Eswatini compensates road accidents victims who have suffered bodily injuries or loss of …