Medium wave - Wikipedia
Medium wave (MW) is a part of the medium frequency (MF) radio band used mainly for AM radio broadcasting. The spectrum provides about 120 channels with more limited sound quality than FM stations on the FM broadcast band.
Medium frequency - Wikipedia
Medium frequency (MF) is the ITU designation [1][2] for radio frequencies (RF) in the range of 300 kilohertz (kHz) to 3 megahertz (MHz). Part of this band is the medium wave (MW) AM broadcast band. The MF band is also known as the hectometer band as the wavelengths range from ten to one hectometers (1000 to 100 m).
What do AM / FM and SW / MW / LW mean? - FMUSER
MW refers to the radio wave frequency called medium wave, also known as intermediate frequency (MF), that is, radio waves with a frequency of 300KHz-3MHz. It can propagate in the form of sky waves reflected by the ionosphere, or it can propagate in the form of ground waves along the surface of the earth.
收音机的FM ,MW,LW,SW分别是什么意思啊? - 百度知道
收音机的FM ,MW,LW,SW分别是:FM调频,MW中波,LW长波,SW短波。 FM调频 FM(Frequency Modulation)即调频。 习惯上用FM来指一般的调频广播(76-108MHz,在中国为87-108MHz、日本为76-90MHz),事实上FM也是一种调制方式,即使在短波范围内的27-30MHz之间。
North American MW Coverage Maps – Medium Wave Circle
Today there are around 5000 AM stations operating in the MW band in North America. What is a directional pattern? At its simplest, a broadcasting antenna radiates its signal equally in all directions like the diagram for KOA in Denver Colorado.
什么是调频(FM)、调幅(AM)、短波(SW)、长波(LW)? - Fm.sh.cn
2020年9月3日 · 以波长而言,中波 (MW)介于200-600米 (公尺)之间,而HF的波长却是在10~100米 (公尺)之间,与上述的波长相比较,HF的波长的确是短了些,因此就把HF称做短波 (SW: Short Wave)。
2: Who Goes There – Medium Wave Circle
The Medium Wave (MW) band is an internationally agreed band of frequencies primarily set aside for the purpose of broadcasting. It has been used worldwide for 100 years and is occupied by thousands of radio stations.
Medium Wave Radio
Medium Wave is the original radio broadcasting band, in use since the early 1920's. Typically it's used by stations serving a local or regional audience. However, at night, signals are no longer absorbed by the lower levels of the ionosphere, and can often be heard hundreds or even thousands of miles away. What is DXing and why do it?
AM / FM和SW / MW / LW是什么意思? - FMUSER
MW 指的是称为中波的无线电波频率,也称为中频(MF),即频率为300KHz-3MHz的无线电波。 它可以电离层反射的天波形式传播,也可以沿地球表面以地波形式传播。
What is MW DX? – Medium Wave Circle
MW refers to the Medium Wave band found on most radios ever manufactured and it is the band that has been used for radio broadcasting ever since the birth of radio over 100 years ago. In some countries the MW band is often labeled as the AM band, or OM (ondes moyennes or onda media, onde medie) or MG (middengolf); they all mean the same thing.