MW2 Meta - Best MW2 Loadouts | Gun Tier List - WZHUB
1 天前 · Meta Loadouts for Modern Warfare 2. Hand-picked selection of the best guns, over 100 loadouts, easy to use platform.
the TP9 in MW2 REMASTERED - YouTube
DONT CLICK THIS - https://bit.ly/3cPqAId Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/klingerhq SECOND CHANNEL - https://bit.ly/3CF5uXo Twitter - https://twitter.com/notk...
Steyr TMP - Internet Movie Firearms Database
When Steyr abandoned the TMP, B&T picked it up, made some design changes and released it as the MP9. The most obvious visual difference is the front barrel tube (now bright silver and …
王者归来??TP9 SFx强势回归测评,小白的下场选择!_哔哩哔 …
中高定位的下场电手首选,兜兜转转还是TP9好啊,TP9 SFX VP9 VP9-L全部通用快拔套,HST 二代tp9嘿色小白开箱视频,想要下场竞技的小伙伴可不能错过它!
Modern Warfare 2 - Call of Duty Maps
2009年11月10日 · Three Tiers of perks with a total of sixteen options are found in Modern Warfare 2. These are Passive rewards that help benefit the player and the play still that is needed to help dominate the game.
The best MX9 loadout and class setup in Modern Warfare 2
2023年8月2日 · The SMG provides players with a whole lot of mobility, making you a difficult target for any opponent on the CoD battlefield. Here’s the best way to load up your MX9 for success in MW2...
Steam Workshop::MW2 TMP Bling (for MAC)
2020年5月13日 · Typically, the semi-auto TP9 has the stock removed and a front grip replaced with an additional underbarrel rail, although variations exist. In addition, B&T produces the gun chambered in other calibers and with a new ambidextrous fire selector. Replaces the "Silenced SMG" on CS:GO anims.
B&T MP-9也被DSArms推出民用型TP9战术手枪(TP9 Tactical Pistol)。 (Special Purpose Pistol)是TMP的半自动民用型,口径相同,但枪管较轻,前握把亦被移除。 不过TMP在刚推出几年内销量不大,于是斯太尔公司试图把它当作普通的冲锋枪那样销售。 但最后销量仍旧不好,于是斯泰尔公司还是放弃了TMP, 瑞士 B&T公司购买了TMP的权利,稍加改进后以 MP9 的名称销售。 TMP的结构不同于传统的冲锋手枪。 该枪没有套筒,分上、下两个机匣。 枪管、枪机都装在 …
B&T MP9 ——〖枪炮世界〗
B&T MP9最大的改进主要是把上机匣顶部的瞄准镜导轨改为皮卡汀尼M1913标准导轨,在机匣尾部又增加了一个折叠式枪托,还在扳机上增加了一个类似格洛克手枪的扳机保险装置。 此外,B&T公司还推出不同颜色的枪身,如黄褐色、黑色、OD色、白色等,此外还为使用Simunition FX反应弹的配件时配上红色或蓝色的训练型机匣。 后来随着皮卡汀尼导轨的流行,又在枪身前方的左右两侧各加装了一小段皮卡汀尼导轨。 MP9的前身,TSP-A1. 左右两侧增加了皮卡汀尼导轨的后期 …