MWC 349 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
MWC 349 是在 天鵝座 的一對 聯星 (可能是 三合星)系統。 MWC 349是一顆 Be型恆星,B是它的光譜類型,e表示發射。 中 的恆星是MWC 349A,與它的伴星MWC 349B相距2.4角秒,兩者之間只有微弱的交互作用。 雖然這顆特殊的恆星擁有大量不尋常的特徵,但最近的一項研究認為它可能不是一顆赫比格Be星,但依然是一顆 高光度藍變星 (LBV),絕對星等的範圍在-6.7至-7.3等之間,以及了解甚少的 熱光度。 它的光度範圍在我們 太陽 的400,000-630,000倍之間,這顆恆 …
MWC 349 - Wikipedia
MWC 349 is a double (likely, triple) star system in the constellation Cygnus. Its properties are still debated and it may be a massive highly luminous star or a very young less luminous Herbig Ae/Be star .
MWC 349 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书 - zh.wikipedia.org
mwc 349可能是一颗从星云,大质量的天鹅座ob2 星协,弹出的速逃星。这个系统的主要成员,mwc 349a,的质量估计在诞生时是40太阳质量,但是恒星演化使它只剩下25太阳质量,使得这个系统变得不稳定,并且不太能束缚住mwc 349b [1] 。
The Mysterious Star MWC349 | Center for Astrophysics | Harvard ...
2017年11月24日 · In 1989, maser emission from atoms of atomic hydrogen gas was discovered around the star MWC349, a source with a disk of ionized material that is seen edge-on and a bipolar outflow. The emission is extremely bright and varies in time, the result of sensitivity to changes in the detailed excitation processes.
Further Observations of the Radio Star MWC 349 - Nature
1973年4月16日 · We now present observations of MWC 349 at 10.52 and 6.63 GHz obtained during December 1972 and February 1973.
The mysterious star MWC349 - Phys.org
2017年12月1日 · In 1989, maser emission from atoms of atomic hydrogen gas was discovered around the star MWC349, a source with a disk of ionized material that is seen edge-on and a bipolar outflow. The emission...
MWC 349, Natural Infra Red Laser Star
The natural laser was detected at 169 microns as the scientists viewed the nearly edge-on gas and dust disk surrounding the peculiar star known as MWC 349. The "lasing line" has an intensity six times brighter than non-amplified spontaneous …
1972年8月28日 · MWC 349 among the intrinsically brightest stars known. Clearly a detailed spectroscopic and photometric analysis IS necessary to determine the exact nature of the object.
MWC 349 : a bipolar nebula with a very hot central star.
Study of MWC 349 should help elucidate the mechanisms for formation and destruction of dust under extreme conditions. New high-resolution VLA observations of MWC 349 at 2 cm reveal it to be an axisymmetric object split by a dark lane about 0.1 arcsec wide.
MWC 349A: A hot edge-on disk - The University of Sydney
MWC 349A: A hot edge-on disk Stellar birth is among the most hotly-debated and active areas in astronomy today. The world's first images of such orbiting disks, captured at size scales close enough to be glowing hot from the radiation of the star …
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