NVIDIA GeForce MX110 Specs | TechPowerUp GPU Database
It features 256 shading units, 16 texture mapping units, and 8 ROPs. NVIDIA has paired 2,048 MB GDDR5 memory with the GeForce MX110, which are connected using a 64-bit memory interface. The GPU is operating at a frequency of 978 MHz, which can be boosted up to 1006 MHz, memory is running at 1253 MHz (5 Gbps effective).
GeForce MX110 | Specifications | GeForce - NVIDIA
Check out the latest NVIDIA GeForce technology specifications, system requirements, and more.
MX110存在的意义是什么? - 知乎
从娱乐大师的测试来看,性能指标很直观,老卡HD5750得分最高,超过MX110差不多20%,而MX110又比单通道下的UHD620核显强了55%,看起来似乎核显完全不是对手啊。 我们再来测试下游戏吧,因为都是入门级,所以现在新的大型游戏就没有必要测了,就直接看看多年以前以画质著称的极品飞车14、星际争霸2和现代战争3吧,过程就不多说了,直接说结果吧。 都不用看那些详细的测试,你只需要看看这些游戏截图,然后我告诉你,MX110可以以1080p的分辨率流畅满 …
NVIDIA GeForce MX110 GPU - Benchmarks and Specs
The Nvidia GeForce MX110 is an entry-level graphics card for laptops that was launched at the end of 2017. It is a renamed Geforce 920MX and based on the Maxwell GM108 chip with a reduced shader...
mx110显卡相当于什么水平 - 百家号
2022年4月28日 · mx110显卡相当于GeForce 920mx,它的显存频率是1800mhz,支持gddr5和ddr3,位宽为64bit,在性能上与mx150有很大的差别,且使用的是28纳米的工艺,性能上比较的落后,可进行简单的办公,但不能玩大型游戏,因此仅出现在低端轻薄本上。 显存多少. 它的显存是4G,与mx150的显存 是一样的,都为4G,而且也都支持directx12,不过它的boost的频率是965-993mhz,其显存频率也只有1800mhz,与mx150的6008mhz相差很大,因此其性能的差距非 …
GeForce MX110 dedicadas nos notebooks |NVIDIA
Experimente a incrível performance em placas de vídeo dedicadas nos notebooks com NVIDIA GeForce® MX110. Aproxime-se da poderosa arquitetura NVIDIA Maxwell ™ para uma edição rápida e suave de fotos HD e vídeos, além dos melhores jogos.
NVIDIA GeForce MX110 - PCGameBenchmark
Is the NVIDIA GeForce MX110 good for gaming? The table below shows exactly how the NVIDIA GeForce MX110 performs in a variety of games and in various RAM and CPU configurations. Drawing on the real-world data that powers our FPS calculator, we're able to show you actual frame rates from a panel of more than 60,000 users.
GeForce MX110 [в 11 бенчмарках] - Technical City
GeForce MX110 обеспечивает слабую производительность в тестах и играх на уровне 3.18% от лидера, которым является GeForce RTX 5090 D. NVIDIA начала продажи GeForce MX110 17 ноября 2017. Это видеокарта для ноутбуков на архитектуре Maxwell и техпроцессе 28 нм, в первую очередь рассчитанная на офисное использование.
- 评论数: 2366
GeForce MX110 [in 11 benchmarks] - Technical City
GeForce MX110's specs such as number of shaders, GPU base clock, manufacturing process, texturing and calculation speed. These parameters indirectly speak of GeForce MX110's performance, but for precise assessment you have to consider its …
- 评论数: 2366
NVIDIA GeForce MX110 移动处理器的详细规格和跑分数据
具有 10.2亿个晶体管、256 个 CUDA 核心和 2GB GDDR5 显存,具备 1024KB 二级缓存,理论算力515.1GFLOPS,总功耗为30W。 这是一款采用了台积电 28nm工艺的GPU,采用Nvidia Maxwell架构,上市时间为2017年11月。 具有 10.2亿个晶体管、256 个 CUDA 核心和 2GB GDDR5 显存,具备 1024KB 二级缓存,理论算力515.1GFLOPS,总功耗为30W。
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