Interaction with p53 explains a pro-proliferative function for VHL …
We found that VHL interacts with p53, preventing its tetramerization, promoter binding and expression of its target genes p21, PUMA, and Bax. VHL limited the decrease in proliferation and increase in apoptosis caused by p53 activation, independent of prolyl-hydroxylation and HIF activity, and its presence in tumors caused a resistance to p53 ...
FSL i.Mx53 Camera Hal 层调试与数据流程解析-CSDN博客
2012年7月27日 · 本文介绍了FSL i.Mx53平台的Camera Hal层调试,包括CameraHal代码分析、Preview的Overlay和Surface显示方式、拍照及摄像的数据流程。 着重讲解了如何在Overlay和Surface方式下处理相机数据,并涉及驱动调试中的V4l2驱动和芯片驱动设置。
Geomax MX53 - Dunlop Motorcycle
Elevate your off road performance with the Geomax MX53. Great for Honda CRF, Kawasaki KX, KTM SX, Yamaha YZ and much more bikes! Designed to offer performance in a wide variety of terrains, the Geomax MX53 excels in hard-packed track conditions while also offering greater versatility in intermediate tracks.
p53 Stabilization and Transactivation by a von Hippel-Lindau Protein
2006年5月5日 · In this study, we elucidated the mechanism whereby pVHL stabilizes and enhances p53 transcriptional activity. p53 was found to specifically bind to the α domain of pVHL where elongin C binds. pVHL blocked the Mdm2-mediated ubiquitination and …
i.MX53快速开发板 | NXP 半导体
i.MX 53快速入门板是一款299美元的开源开发平台,与ARM® Cortex®-A8 1 GHz处理器和恩智浦® MC34708 PMIC集成。 这款快速入门板包括了一个显示控制器、硬件加速显卡、1080p视频解 …
【指南】von Hippel-Lindau 病患者监测指南 - 脑医汇 - 神外资讯
vhl最常见的胰腺表现是胰腺囊肿,通常可以期待胰腺囊肿的出现。大约8% - 17%的vhl患者会发展为pnets。vhl相关pnets (vpnet)在许多方面与散发性pnets (spnet)不同:vpnets通常是低级别、无功能(不会引起症状性激素过度分泌)、无痛和局限性的。
飞思卡尔IMX53核心板介绍 - CSDN博客
2013年7月18日 · MX53系列处理器是飞思卡尔下一代基于ARM Cortex™-A8内核,每内核运行速率达1.2 GHz的先进多媒体、高能效处理器。 其理想的性能和功耗可满足高端、高级应用的严苛要求。
Interaction with p53 explains a pro-proliferative function for VHL in ...
2020年7月28日 · The von Hippel-Lindau (VHL) protein binds and degrades hypoxia-inducible factors (HIF) hydroxylated by prolyl-hydroxylases under normoxia. Although originally described as a tumor suppressor, there is growing evidence …
VonHippel-Lindau(VHL)综合征是一种罕见 的常染色体显性遗传性肿瘤疾病,由位于染色体 3p25上的VHL基因突变引起[1-2],VHL综合征的 发病率约为1/36000[3],分为1型和2型,其中1A 型患嗜铬细胞瘤的风险较低,患肾细胞癌(renal cellcarcinoma,RCC)和嗜铬细胞瘤的风险也较低
The i.MX53 processor features ARM Cortex™-A8 core, which operates at clock speeds as high as 800 MHz. It provides DDR2/LVDDR2-800, LPDDR2-800, or DDR3-800 DRAM memories. The flexibility of the i.MX53 architecture allows for its use in a wide variety of applications. As the heart of the application chipset, the i.MX53 processor provides all