Where can a person buy new MXM video cards? - AnandTech …
2009年3月27日 · I noticed some mobile workstations (up through at least Haswell) used MXM and also there is a new ASRock Micro-STX desktop that will use MXM.....so where can a person buy a new MXM video card?
Why are there no mobile (MXM) external GPUs? - AnandTech …
2014年8月26日 · MXM GPU's cost more and external enclosures are already quite expensive. @Edgar Eliseo appears to be the founder of this MXM enclosure, but a GTX 1050 is nowhere near as fast as what many gamers need.
Low power DX11 MXM GPU? - AnandTech Forums
2011年12月4日 · What's the lowest power MXM GPU I can put in here that would support DX11? I still want reasonable DX11 performance/support because most browsers and even Visual Studio 2010 and Windows Aero use 3d acceleration.
What laptops and desktops (past and present) use MXM video …
2009年3月27日 · What laptops and desktops (past and present) use MXM video cards? Here are some I have found so far.... Laptops: Skylake-- Thinkpad P70-->...
Any word on z790 laptops? (Desktop Replacements) and RTX4090 …
2018年1月7日 · Considerable price difference but, the base model w/o any drives / RAM is the same. Now if you google the model number X370SNW it will show you additional resellers for the same laptop. They all configure things differently but, RJT gives the best price, ships quick, and doesn't charge taxes. I suppose there are probably other brands out there that ship with a 4090 but, they're going to be ...
HP Z2 Mini G3: tiny workstation - AnandTech Forums
2017年1月12日 · These are really slick. Similar to the new Zotac EN1060/EN1070 compact computers, these are workstation-class versions measuring in at 8.5" x 8.5" x 2.28" with a 4.5-pound base weight. Key feature being a 2GB Quadro M620 DCC GPU on the higher-end models. Tested for 368,000 hours & certified...
GTX 980M no longer working. - AnandTech Forums
2016年8月14日 · No gpu button by power button? Did you download the manual and look.? On phone so maybe I looked at wrong one? Switching between the two it looks like software. Other option looks to be to disable the integrated in bios to enable the dedicated. Guess could be risky if dedicated is somehow dead.
MXM 3.0 GPU for Dell M6600 - AnandTech Forums
2014年9月10日 · Hey everyone, I have a M6600 I got for free from work. It has a Quadro 3000m and the display driver stops working periodically (probably overheating? seems to be a common issue). It's hard to find out how the 3000m performs, but I'm assuming poorly. Right now all I really want to play is...
Speculation: AMD's APU with HBM - AnandTech Forums
2018年7月7日 · Page 4 - Seeking answers? Join the AnandTech community: where nearly half-a-million members share solutions and discuss the latest tech.
Clevo P150HM Graphics - AnandTech Forums
2011年3月28日 · Hi, I plan to order a Clevo P150HM (from Eurocom) and I'm looking for a little information about graphic cards of the notebook: I would like to know if I remove the MXM IIIB graphic card, will the notebook boot with Intel's Sandy Bridge integrated HD Graphics 3000 ? :biggrin: I have read...