EGX-MXM-P1000 | Embedded MXM GPU Modules | ADLINK
The EGX-MXM-P1000 features advanced NVIDIA Quadro GPU with NVIDIA Pascal™ Architecture technology in MXM 3.1 Type A form factor. The EGX-MXM-P1000 has 512 NVIDIA CUDA cores and a peak single-precision floating-point performance of 1.8 TFLOPS.
NVIDIA Quadro P1000 MXM - PNY
The NVIDIA Quadro P1000, P3000 and P1000 MXM modules offer professional Quadro performance, features, SDK and API support, exacting build standards, rigorous quality assurance, and broad ISV application compatibility.
EGX-MXM-P1000-深度学习加速卡-上海祥凌电子有限公司-上海祥 …
EGXMXM- P1000 具有512个NVIDIA CUDA 内核和1.8 TFLOPS的峰值单精度浮点性能。 EGX-MXM-P1000 具有4GB 的GDDR5 内存,支持NVIDIA GPUDirect™ RDMA,能够将数据吞吐量提高80%,从而将 系统响应速度提高60% *。
2020年6月18日 · The EGX-MXM-P1000 features advanced NVIDIA Quadro GPU with NVIDIA PascalTM Architecture technology in MXM 3.1 Type A form factor. The EGX-MXM-P1000 has 512 NVIDIA CUDA cores and a peak single-precision floating-point performance of 1.8 TFLOPS.
SKP1000 | NVIDIA® Quadro® Embedded P1000 | PERFECTRON
The Quadro P1000 features a Pascal GPU with 640 CUDA core, 4 GB GDDR5 on-board memory and advanced display technologies in a low-profile form factor to deliver amazing graphics performance for demanding professional applications.
The MXM-P1000 module features advanced NVIDIA® Quadro® PascalTM architecture in the MXM 3.1 Type A form factor. The P1000 brings a new level of performance to visual graphics and computing applications, fully integrating hardware acceleration for both graphics and computing code, enabling hardware accelera-tion for a wider class of software ...
The EGX-MXM-P1000 has 512 NVIDIA CUDA cores and a peak single-precision floating-point performance of 1.8 TFLOPS. The EGX-MXM-P1000 has 4GB of GDDR5 memory and supports NVIDIA GPUDirect™ RDMA which helps increase data throughput by up to 80% and consequently system responsiveness by up to 60%*.
EGX-MXM-P1000 具有512个NVIDIA CUDA 内核和1.8 TFLOPS的峰值单精度浮点性能。 EGX-MXM-P1000 具有4GB 的GDDR5 内存,支持NVIDIA GPUDirect™ RDMA,能够将数据吞吐量提高80%,从而将系统响应速度提高60% 。
航信安泰科技(北京)有限公司 - hxattech.com
EGX-MXM-P1000 Embedded MXM GPU Modules features advanced NVIDIA Quadro GPU with NVIDIA Pascal™ Architecture technology in MXM 3.1 Type A form factor. The EGX-MXM-P1000 has 512 NVIDIA CUDA cores and a peak single-precision floating …
凌华科技嵌入式显卡助力提升嵌入式应用的性能、生命周期和投资 …
EGX-MXM-P1000 和 EGX-MXM-P2000 采用了先进的、基于NVIDIA Pascal™ 架构的NVIDIA Quadro GPU,并遵循MXM 3.1 Type A规格。 EGX-MXM-P1000 具有512个NVIDIA® CUDA® 核,以及1.8 TFLOPS的峰值单精度浮点性能,EGX-MXM-P2000则具有768个NVIDIA® CUDA® 核,以及2.3 TFLOPS的峰值单精度浮点性能。