Sony MZ-R50 - MiniDisc Wiki
Recorder with remote controller, and long battery life (for the time of its release, around 7 hours playback). Available in silver, blue, and orange. The orange model was only sold in Japan. The remote for Sony's higher end CD Walkmans from the same time period (D-E01/D-EJ01) will function properly with the MZ-R50 including the backlight function.
MD Community Page: Sony MZ-R50 - Minidisc
A NewsPage article mentions Sony's (prototype) MZ-R50/PC connection that would enable music recording from the Internet. Dragon Systems recommends the Sony MZ-R50 as the dictation recorder for their speech recognition system.
Marlene's Musings: The legendary Sony MZ-R 50 - A review
2013年7月18日 · The MZ-R 50 gets rid of the biggest sonic problem of its predecessor: resolution and detail. High frequency intelligibility, definition and differentiation has been enhanced by quite a margin, the MZ-R 50 is able to render it convincingly without turning treble details into noise.
MZ-R50 裡外再升級 - Let's MD Walkman
R50採用新型LIP-8鋰電池,加上光學組件與機座的薄型化,以19.7mm (機身平均值)的苗條機身挑戰Sharp並度化眾生,成就年度最薄Recorder,還猶原記得當年入手R50時讓呂大少愛不釋手的纖薄手感 (以當時標準來說)情境彷彿還歷歷在目~ 有著讓人眼花撩亂的多元液晶顯示螢幕,不過很混堪稱R30換殼清庫存版本. 擁有絕佳操作性的"Jog Dial (飛梭轉盤)"是一大特色,只需用食指上下輕撥、按下等兩三個動作,即可執行選曲、文字輸入、曲目更換的功能。 另外,機身右邊飛梭 …
ソニーは、再生専用機なみの小型化を実現した業界最薄サイズの録音再生機『 mz-r50 』、シャツの胸ポケットにすっきり収まる薄さを実現したmdジャケットサイズの再生専用機『 mz-e35 』、ブルー、オレンジ、シルバーのカラーバリエーションから選べる ...
MZ-R50 - Let's MD Walkman
The MZ-R50, with its conventional design language, divides the display and operational areas horizontally, presenting an overall upgrade from its predecessor, the MZ-R30. Compared to Sharp's MD-MS701 and MS702 with their compact portable technology, Sony emphasizes thinness as a selling point.
View and Download Sony MZ-R50 operating instructions manual online. Sony MZ-R50 MD Player: User Guide. MZ-R50 cd player pdf manual download. Also for: Md walkman mz-r50.
MZ-R50 manual - Minidisc
Here are some of the capabilities and features you'll discover with the new MiniDisc Recorder. Shock-resistant memory-- Offsets up to 40 seconds of optical read errors.
2025年3月4日 · 本文详细介绍sony索尼日本原产双面金属md播放器录放mz-r50,从品牌背景、外观设计、音质表现、使用体验等多方面进行深度解析,带你重温经典音乐的美好时光。
Sony MZ-R50 Portable Minidisc Recorder Manual - HiFi Engine
2018年8月20日 · This website is not affiliated with or sponsored by Sony. To purchase MZ-R50 spares or accessories, please contact the company via their website or visit an authorised retailer.
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