MA11 MAV (T) IFV Production Standard 2 [Coloured]
2015年2月9日 · An upgraded version of the MA11 IFV, featuring a longer 45mm cannon, a new HMG on a new RWS and integrated sensors/grenade launchers (and better armour too). I'm almost at 20,000 views! How did that happen?
MA11 MAV (T) IFV Production Standard [Coloured] - DeviantArt
2014年7月3日 · The 45mm CTA armed IFV variant of the MA11 family, with heavier applique armour to boot.
MA11 MAV (T) IFV Alternative Turret [Coloured] - DeviantArt
2014年7月3日 · The MA11 with the MA9A3's low profile unmanned 45mm CTA turret. You Might Like… Join the community to add your comment. Already a deviant? Log In. How many passengers?
具体怎么出ifv要看图看情况看需求看战术。 开局有富矿可以单矿出俩海豹ifv多线偷,也可以出机场之后爆重车队加主战打中期。 来自 Android客户端 2楼 2022-03-02 14:53
Another fictional vehicle, this time more modern - the MA11 IFV …
2018年10月17日 · As far as NATO and Western aligned nations using cannons over 30mm are concerned: - 35mm: Japan (Type 89 IFV), Australia (Land 400 - in the upcoming Boxer, and whatever the tracked vehicle selection will be), Denmark, the Netherlands, Estonia (all the CV9035), German export products (the Lynx is offered with a 35mm autocannon option).
红警2小科普(140)——IFV各模式数据补充 - 哔哩哔哩
这里是烈葱,今天将要介绍的不是单独的一个单位,而是对往期IFV篇目的补充(参考cv1895865),主要以补充武器数据为主。 废话不多说,那我们开始吧!
步兵战车 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
步兵戰車(英語: Infantry fighting vehicle, IFV ;俄语: Боевая машина пехоты, БМП ;日语: 歩兵戦闘車 ),是能搭载步兵,并能伴随步兵提供火力支援的装甲运输车辆。
bmp3 苏联最后的ifv详解 ㈡ - 哔哩哔哩
在防护方面,bmp-3的装甲在其重量等级中可能是所有ifv中最好的。 应该指出的是,苏军在选择BMP-2继承者的过程中,能够防御美国25毫米APDS弹药是一个关键指标。
Pin on Colonial Army - Pinterest
The 45mm CTA armed IFV variant of the MA11 family, with heavier applique armour to boot. So, lo and behold, here is my first 3D modeling project.
MA11 MAV(T) SHORADS-G Military Tank - Brasil
Discover the SPAAG variant of the MA11 family, equipped with a 70mm CTA autocannon capable of engaging targets up to 8km away. This military tank is designed for countering attack helicopters effectively.