Mabu Liyan Framework - Nyamba Buru Yawuru
The Mabu Liyan philosophy is a guiding principle for the Yawuru Corporate Group and it underpins NBY’s development approach, defining the ambitions and framework for community programs, cultural and language maintenance, land management and economic development.
Mabu liyan: The Yawuru way - The Australian National University
Mabu liyan or good liyan is centred on Yawuru’s sense of belonging and being, emotional strength and pride. Expressions of liyan are articulated based on collective structures and is based on a model of living well in connection with country, culture, others and with oneself.
Mabu Liyan Creative Agency Australian Aboriginal-owned
At Mabu Liyan Creative Agency, we believe in the power of a clear vision, intentional action, and artistic expression. We thrive on purposeful action, driving impactful brands and helping organisations make powerful audience connections.
The Yawuru Wellbeing Project | Yumi Sabe
Using mabu liyan as the foundation, the Yawuru Wellbeing Project has sought to understand wellbeing in the context of Yawuru culture, the historical and contemporary challenges faced by Yawuru people and the strengths and capabilities of Yawuru.
Mabu liyan | 22 | The Yawuru way | Mandy Yap, Eunice Yu - Taylor …
Mabu liyan or good liyan is centred on Yawuru’s sense of belonging and being, emotional strength and pride. Expressions of liyan are articulated based on collective structures and is based on a model of living well in connection with country, culture, others and with oneself.
Mabu Liyan: The basis of Yawuru Resilience - Edmund Rice Centre
Yu states that mabu liyan provides the signs and signals of a pathway in life, a life anchored in responsibilities and obligations under Yawuru law, custom and culture. It is the basis of Yawuru resilience because it gives meaning to Yawuru life through …
Mabu liyan, one representation of Indigenous wellbeing approaches in Australia, demonstrates that relational-based wellbeing, premised on obligation, responsibility and reciprocity to the human and other-than-human, is possible and necessary to …
Remaking the Sustainable Development Goals: relational …
2022年7月28日 · Mabu liyan reflects Yawuru sense of belonging and being, living well in connection with country, culture, others, and oneself. Starting with mabu liyan as Yawuru’s philosophy of living well resulted in over 90 indicators which represented Yawuru’s vision and aspirations for living in relation to each other, to their land and sea territories ...
MABU LIYAN - Culture - Nyamba Buru Yawuru
MABU LIYANGOOD SPIRITOur stories and philosophy comes from the Bugarrigarra, the time before time, when creative forces shaped and gave meaning to the landscape, putting the languages in the country ...
Liyan-ngan Nyirrwa - Nyamba Buru Yawuru
The Liyan-ngan Nyirrwa Cultural Wellbeing Centre is a contemporary venue, community development and working space located in the Cable Beach area of Broome on the grounds of Nyamba Buru Yawuru which incorporates the Mabu Yawuru Ngan-ga Language Centre and other Community Development Programs.