Apple Lisa - Wikipedia
Lisa is a desktop computer developed by Apple, produced from January 19, 1983, to August 1, 1986, and succeeded by Macintosh. It is generally considered the first mass-market personal …
一场革命性的失败——浅谈命运多舛的Apple Lisa和Lisa OS - 知乎
Lisa 2. 1984年1月,苹果发布了第二代Lisa(Lisa 2),和Lisa 1相比,Lisa 2的价格大幅降低——在3495~5495美元之间,而在硬件配置也进行了更改:从原来的配备两个Twiggy软驱变 …
Lisa/Lisa 2/Mac XL - Apple
2006年3月29日 · In January 1985, the Lisa 2/10 was renamed the Macintosh XL, and outfitted with MacWorks, an emulator that allowed the Lisa to run the Mac OS. The XL was …
Lisa/Lisa 2/Mac XL - 百度百科
In January 1985, the Lisa 2/10 was renamed the Macintosh XL, and outfitted with MacWorks, an emulator that allowed the Lisa to run the Mac OS. The XL was discontinued later that year. …
The Apple Lisa FAQ - lisafaq.sunder.net
The Lisa 2 has a single 3.5" floppy drive (where the lower Twiggy drive used to exist), these come in two primary flavors - the Original Lisa 2, and the Lisa 2/10. Common features: The stock …
Apple Lisa 系列 - Mac知道
2017年7月6日 · Apple Lisa 2 参数. Apple Lisa 2 是Apple Lisa 的升级版, 售价也有所降低。除此之外,最明显的改变莫过于外观上由原来的两个 5.25 英寸软盘位变成了一个 3.5 英寸软盘。 …
如何在 Mac 上使用经典 Mac、Lisa、NeXT、Apple II 软件
2023年2月2日 · Apple II于 1978 年发布,是史蒂夫·沃兹尼亚克 (Steve Wozniak) 和史蒂夫·乔布斯 (Steve Jobs) 创造的苹果公司的第一款杀手级产品,它使公司从一家车库初创公司一跃成为市值 …
Lisa 2 / Mac XL - applemuseum.bott.org
The Lisa 2 and the original Macintosh were introduced on January 24, 1984, a date now etched into the minds of many Mac aficionados. The first noticeable difference is the lack of the …
Apple Lisa 2 (Macintosh XL) - Low End Mac
Best of all for Lisa 1 owners, the Lisa 2 was available as a free upgrade. The Lisa 2 was repackaged as the Macintosh XL in January 1985, then discontinued in April 1985. With …
Apple Lisa 2 - Old Computer Museum
A new version of Lisa was presented in January 1984, the Lisa 2. It had virtually same features but used a 3.5" 800 KB floppy drive instead of the old 5.25" "twiggy" floppy drives. Three …
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