Studio Radiance Serum Foundation | MAC Cosmetics
Get glowing skin with M·A·C Studio Radiance Serum Foundation. Shop now to achieve a radiant complexion with our latest hydrating foundation!
超持妝奢緞粉底精華 | 聚光粉底 - MAC台灣官網
高度顯色色料因子,一抹滑順飽和綻色,蘊含可可脂、乳油木果油、椰子油,滋潤柔嫩,雙唇 8小時超強保濕力。 24小時保濕,中度遮瑕,打造自然光澤感,全天煥發光彩。 使肌膚顯得更豐盈、光滑、健康! 12色亞洲人最適合肌膚色調! 超啞光妝效 中度至高度遮瑕力. 此評論是否有用? 敏感性乾肌,上臉光澤非常漂亮。 此評論是否有用? MAC 超持妝奢緞粉底精華,M·A·C首款護膚粉底精華,水精華入妝,遮瑕不遮光。 24小時保濕,中度遮瑕,打造自然光澤感,全天煥發光彩。
- 评论数: 8
魅可定制鎏金粉底液 | MAC Cosmetics
这项全新的创新为更光滑、更容光焕发的皮肤提供+209%水合分子。 球形的粉体,更柔焦滤光,达到遮瑕不掩肌肤真实光泽的效果。 同时33种精华入妆,精粹加持,上底妆如敷精华膜。 使用170S粉底刷由面中向边缘均匀轻压推开。 备案人的名称及地址:化妆艺术有限公司;130PrinceStreet, 2nd Floor, New York, NY 10012. USA.
Foundation Shade Finder | Find Your Match - MAC Cosmetics
Looking for your perfect MAC foundation shade? Explore our Foundation Finder to discover your foundation shade based on your skin tone & undertone.
粉底| MAC Cosmetics - Official Site
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亮肌輕透精華粉底 | MAC Cosmetics Hong Kong
Studio Radiance Serum-Powered™ Foundation features 24-hour hydration and medium buildable, smoothing coverage that instantly evens out your complexion. This lightweight foundation also blurs the appearance of pores, skin redness, dark spots and dry fine lines.
- 评论数: 4
粉底產品 | MAC Cosmetics 香港官方網站
M∙A∙C #霧鏡粉底 粉底液是一款輕盈的粉底液,具有啞光效果和防曬 SPF 15 防曬保護。 它可以保持長達 6 小時的柔霧光澤,並持妝 24 小時,設有 24 種色調,適合不同膚色。 專業無瑕柔膚粉餅 是一種控油配方,可疊加達致中等至高度遮瑕度。 M·A·C具備不同種類的粉底:液體、粉末和乳霜配方,讓你找到最適合自己的底妝產品。
MAC - N11 Studio Radiance Serum Powered Foundation - Ulta Beauty
MAC Studio Radiance Serum Powered Foundation is a buildable, weightless, 24-hour hydrating foundation that smooths texture, evens tone, and blurs the look of pores. Strengthens the skin barrier. Protects against pollution. Dermatologist tested …
- 评论数: 1007
MAC Cosmetics Studio Radiance Serum-Powered Foundation
What it is: A serum-powered foundation that fuses the expertise of skin tones with the science of skin care. Who it's for: Ideal for all skin types, including sensitive. What it does: The water-, sweat- and humidity-resistant formula delivers more hydration for …
魅可全新无瑕粉底液2.0 | MAC Cosmetics - MAC魅可官方网站
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