Complement Receptor 3 Forms a Compact High-Affinity Complex …
2021年6月15日 · Complement receptor 3 (CR3, also known as Mac-1, integrin α M β 2, or CD11b/CD18) is expressed on a subset of myeloid and certain activated lymphoid cells.
Mac-1的结构与功能及其在肿瘤免疫治疗中的作用 - 道客巴巴
2012年10月17日 · 研究发现, 可溶性的 B一 葡 聚糖能够结合并致敏 Mac一 1继而触发吞噬细胞或 NK 细胞对iC3b 调理的肿瘤细胞的细胞毒反应, 这一发现为 B-葡聚 糖在肿瘤免疫治疗中的应用提供了理论基础。 大多数的人类或动物的肿瘤细胞能活化补体并在原位被 iC3b 调理, 肿 瘤细胞表面的iC3b 结合到 8.. 葡聚糖致敏了的Mac一 1后, 吞噬细胞或 NK 细胞就能杀伤肿瘤细胞。
Complement Receptor 3 Forms a Compact High-Affinity Complex ... - PubMed
2021年6月15日 · Complement receptor 3 (CR3, also known as Mac-1, integrin α M β 2, or CD11b/CD18) is expressed on a subset of myeloid and certain activated lymphoid cells.
Structural basis of the leukocyte integrin Mac-1 I-domain …
2019年5月5日 · Cell-surface receptor interactions between leukocyte integrin macrophage-1 antigen (Mac-1, also known as CR3, αMβ2, CD11b/CD18) and platelet glycoprotein Ibα (GPIbα) are critical to vascular inflammation.
The crystal structure of iC3b-CR3 αI reveals a modular recognition …
2022年4月12日 · Recognition of iC3b by complement receptor type 3 (CR3) fosters pathogen opsonophagocytosis by macrophages and the stimulation of adaptive immunity by complement-opsonized antigens. Here, we...
The Promiscuous Profile of Complement Receptor 3 in Ligand …
2021年4月29日 · Among the members of this family, complement receptor 3 (CR3; CD11b/CD18, Mac-1, α M β 2) is particularly promiscuous in its functional profile and ligand selectivity.
Structural basis of the leukocyte integrin Mac-1 I-domain ... - PubMed
2019年5月14日 · Cell-surface receptor interactions between leukocyte integrin macrophage-1 antigen (Mac-1, also known as CR3, αMβ2, CD11b/CD18) and platelet glycoprotein Ibα (GPIbα) are critical to vascular inflammation.
Complement receptor 3 (CR3, Mac-1, integrin alpha M beta 2 ... - PubMed
To investigate the hypothesis that beta 2 integrins may be involved in a signal transduction pathway related to cytoskeletal reorganization, we examined whether beta 2 integrins have a role in tyrosine phosphorylation of the cytoskeletal protein paxillin.
Mac-1 (CDIIb/CD18) 在体内免疫复合物刺激中性粒细胞功能中的作用:Mac-1 …
Mac-1 (alphambeta2) 是一种白细胞粘附受体,在体外已被证明可以与 Fcgamma 受体发生功能性相互作用,以促进免疫复合物 (IC) 刺激的多形核中性粒细胞 (PMN) 功能。 为了研究Mac-1-FcgammaR相互作用在IC介导的体内损伤中的相关性,我们通过静脉注射在野生型和Mac-1缺陷型小鼠中诱导了Fc依赖性抗肾小球基底膜(GBM)肾炎模型注射抗GBM抗体。 Mac-1 无效小鼠和野生型小鼠中最初肾小球 PMN 积累相当,但此后野生型小鼠中增加,突变型小鼠中减少。
LFA-1 (CD11a/CD18) and Mac-1 (CD11b/CD18) distinctly regulate …
2019年4月9日 · Precise spatiotemporal regulation of leukocyte extravasation is key for generating an efficient immune response to injury or infection. The integrins LFA-1 (CD11a/CD18) and Mac-1 (CD11b/CD18)...
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