In computational fluid dynamics, the MacCormack method (/məˈkɔːrmæk ˈmɛθəd/) is a widely used discretization scheme for the numerical solution of hyperbolic partial differential equations. This second-order finite difference method was introduced by Robert W. MacCormack in 1969. [1]
McCormack is a family name (surname) that originated in Ireland Milltown Galway Spelling variations: Cormack, MacCormack, MacCormac, McCormac, Cormac, Cormach.
In computational fluid dynamics, the MacCormack method (/məˈkɔːrmæk ˈmɛθəd/) is a widely used discretization scheme for the numerical solution of hyperbolic partial differential equations. This second-order finite difference method was introduced by Robert W. MacCormack in 1969. [1]
traditional non-linear fix introduced by MacCormack in 1971, which is found to be necessary to suppress pressure oscillations at low Mach numbers. The new scheme is demonstrated to have superior performance,
MacCormack's method has generally been applied to solving a set of differential equations explicitly expressed only with first-order derivatives. In the present study, we adopt the Lax-MacCormack technique to solving transient flow problems of more diversified configurations and physical situations.
Historical notes on MacCormack method for hyperbolic partial differential equations.References:1. Prof. MacCormack's faculty profile at Stanford University:h...
In this paper, we rewrite the MacCormack method to illustrate that it estimates the error in the same exact fashion as BFECC. The difference is that the MacCormack method uses this error estimate to correct the already computed forward advected data.
2007年11月8日 · In this paper, we rewrite the MacCormack method to illustrate that it estimates the error in the same exact fashion as BFECC. The difference is that the MacCormack method uses this error estimate to correct the already computed forward advected data.