I miss MacDraw! Replacement suggestions? - MacRumors Forums
2013年8月13日 · It is a FREE office suite and a successor to OpenOffice. And YES, it does have a vector drawing program like MacDraw, and it can open MacDraw documents. My favorite …
Batch PDF Convert of MacDraw II Files? - MacRumors Forums
2001年8月15日 · MacDraw II is a very old application with a very old and poorly supported format. Canvas 3.5.6 can open your files. Once opened, your files will require some cosmetic edits to …
macdraw or paint for osx? - MacRumors Forums
2004年9月11日 · Got a tip for us? Let us know. a. Send us an email b. Anonymous form
How to open a modern photograph on a Mac Plus? - MacRumors …
2003年3月7日 · I have System 6.0.8 and System 3.2 on the Floppy Emu. Again, I think now I know how to get files on via Basilisk II (but even that seems flaky, sometimes the files don't …
Mac Paint and Macdraw (original and downloads) don't work on OS9
2012年6月8日 · Got both Mac-Paint and Draw on original floppies and both don't seem to work. It says needs to be formated on both os 9 mac and win xp. I tried to copy a macpaint 1.5 rom off …
Claris (FileMaker) regains senses. Will offer freemium version of ...
2017年2月21日 · Claris really needs to bring back MacDraw. I still use MacDraw II for developing geometry, physics, and trigonometry exercises for my students. I have to go through a few …
Old School CAD. 68k? Experienced Draftsmen | MacRumors Forums
2023年3月22日 · Started using MacDraw on my 512k "Fat Mac" originally, by 1993 I completely switched to using it on my Macintosh IIcx. Yes, it's not really "CAD" but allowed me to put lines …
The Mac Turns 40: Read Apple's Announcement From 1984
2001年4月12日 · The first Mac I owned was an LC, with a zippy 16 MHz 68020 processor and 4 Mb RAM, purchased as I was heading off to university in 1991. It was a cut-down Mac II for …
macdraw - MacRumors Forums
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ImageWriter ll - Can I customize it to a specific form?
2010年4月23日 · Hello, I have a Macintosh Classic that I would like to use with a ImageWriter. To get to the point, can a ImageWriter be customized to a specific form? I am currently bankrupt …