The MacPorts Project -- Home
The MacPorts Project Official Homepage. The MacPorts Project is an open-source community initiative to design an easy-to-use system for compiling, installing, and upgrading either command-line, X11 or Aqua based open-source software on the Mac operating system.To that end we provide the command-line driven MacPorts software package under a 3-Clause BSD License, …
The MacPorts Wiki. Welcome to the MacPorts Wiki. Here you may learn about MacPorts usage, development, and support. MacPorts Starting Points. Home Page - The MacPorts home page Installing MacPorts in the Guide - Getting your Mac ready to use MacPorts UsingMacPortsQuickStart - Using MacPorts QuickStart Guide ; MacPorts Support
Install dopewars on macOS with MacPorts
dopewars. v 1.5.12. Rewrite of a game originally based on "Drug Wars" The idea of dopewars is to deal drugs on the streets of New York, amassing a huge fortune and paying off the loan shark, while avoiding the ever annoying police.
The MacPorts Project -- Download & Installation
macOS Package (.pkg) Installer. The easiest way to install MacPorts on a Mac is by downloading the pkg or dmg for Sequoia, Sonoma, Ventura, Monterey, Big Sur, Catalina, Mojave, High Sierra, Sierra, El Capitan, Yosemite, Mavericks, Mountain Lion, Lion, Snow Leopard, or Leopard and running the system's Installer by double-clicking on the pkg contained therein, following the on …
kermit @8.0.211: Acces to UUCP lockfile denied - MacPorts
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MacPorts Guide
MacPorts is an easy to use system for compiling, installing, and managing open source software. MacPorts may be conceptually divided into two main parts: the infrastructure, known as MacPorts base, and the set of available ports.
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Install procs on macOS with MacPorts
procs. v 0.14.9 Updated: 1 month, 3 weeks ago. A modern replacement for ps written in Rust. A modern replacement for ps written in Rust. proc output is colored in a human-readable format, allows for multi-column keyword search, pager support, watch mode, tree view, TCP/UDP port listing, read/write throughput, enhanced memory information, and more.
Ports | MacPorts
Available Ports for The MacPorts Project Install and upgrade open source software on macOS.
Install okular on macOS with MacPorts
okular. v 4.14.3. Universal document viewer for KDE4. Okular is a universal document viewer based on KPDF for KDE 4. This means Okular works on multiple platforms, including but not limited to Linux, Windows, Mac OS X, *BSD, etc.