vim - How do you install plugins for MacVim? - Super User
Specifically, I'm trying to install NERDtree. I downloaded the 4.10 package from github, unzipped it into ~/.vim/, and restarted MacVim (version 7.3). Typing :nerdtree results in the following err...
Newest 'macvim' Questions - Ask Different
2024年9月3日 · On a vanilla MacBook with M1 processor, I installed MacVim via Homebrew: brew install --cask macvim However, when running :python import sys; print(sys.version) inside MacVim, I get: E370: Could not ...
macvim - How to enable Syntax highlighting on Vim in Mac OS …
2011年7月22日 · macvim. The Overflow Blog Our next phase—Q&A was just the beginning “Translation is the tip of the ...
command line - Use MacVim as standard Terminal? - Ask Different
But, since the terminal.app doesn't support many of vim's rich features, I decided to make the step to MacVim. This breaks the symmetry though, I have to use terminal.app to navigate to a file, edit in MacVim (using mvim of course), quit MacVim and open up the terminal again.
How do you set the default window size in MacVim?
2009年8月18日 · The default window size appears to be 24x80 but I'd prefer to set it so new windows appear in the size 50x90. Is there a way to set this defaul
vim - Change default settings in MacVim - Super User
I want to do some changes in MacVim to suit my needs. I'm new in it, so stick with me. The basic changes I want to do is to start the program with the following settings: Line numbers activated Top toolbar deactivated Auto-indenting activated
vi - Open a MacVim (gvim) window from MacVim - Ask Different
2017年6月15日 · :!open -a MacVim filename worked fabulously. The only problem is you can't open the same file this way, but that's not a huge problem. :!open -a MacVim % doesn't work. Overall I can work around that by just opening up the current directory with :!open -a MacVim .. My workflow is to open a new window and then ctrl-p to the new file I'm looking for
vim - MacVim + Skim + latexmk Setup - TeX - LaTeX Stack Exchange
2020年2月23日 · How do I setup MacVim + Skim PDF Viewer on macOS? I have searched online for various guides but I end up getting extremely confused. I'm relatively new and have only used Overleaf in the past but due to size constraints, I feel the need to compile locally. I have a Macbook Pro running Catalina.
Vim, MacVim, and Unicode - Ask Different
2013年7月28日 · If you mean that Unicode characters don't render correctly try disable the "Use Core Text renderer" option in the "Preferences… → Advanced" menu and restart MacVim. (source 1, source 2) I have a similar problem, in which emoji charachters are rendered to big, but as of yet I don't know how to fix it.
macvim - Replaced /usr/bin/vim - Ask Different
MacVim comes with a startup shell script, mvim. You can alias it to vim if you'd prefer to use it instead of the system vim. If you want to start vim in the terminal rather than as a gui application, set the alias to mvim -v .