macos - Looking for VNC client solutions that work reliably on a …
2015年6月25日 · Real VNC or VNC Viewer are the same client (aside from platform) as used on Windows PCs for decades. OS X is designed to work with VNC protocol out of the box. As an added bonus, Real VNC is available as a free iOS app. The only real concerns you should have in using it are security hardening, ie restricting access to specific IP addresses or users.
macOS networking brutally slow using VNC or Apple Remote …
2022年2月25日 · Accessing a Mac using Apple Remote Desktop or VNC is brutally sluggish. I'm trying to write software and it is too painful to use. The screen does not refresh in a useful period of time. I googled ...
Change Screen Resolution for Mac Built-in VNC (Screen Sharing)
2019年7月23日 · I am attempting to connect to a MacBook Pro from a Mac Pro with a 2560x1600 monitor using the built in screen sharing client. I would like to be able have the connection fill the entire screen, but
Force the resolution on a headless mac mini server
Here's an alternative, based on CDD's answer that will work for Lion. The Display Menu application doesn't work on Lion. Go to System Preferences, Displays, and choose the resolution you want. Switch to this resolution. The VNC display will freeze. Press Return a couple of times to accept the resolution anyway.
macos - How to enable OS X screen sharing (VNC) through SSH?
2011年11月5日 · I forgot to turn on "VNC viewers may control screen with password", to enter on my working Mac, is there way to turn-on this feature remotely via SSH (I'm on WindowsXP now)?
Mac mini and VNC remote performance - Ask Different
VNC performance depends a lot on characteristics of the network that you use (channel between your MacMini and notebook) like latency and ping but, if your mac mini will be near you all the time (and there also will be an AC power socket somewhere:) then VNC performance would be ideal. You can connect your computers with crossover cable, or wifi.
MacOS Mojave remote access login screen stuck on infinite …
2019年4月15日 · This appears to be a bug in MacOS Mojave's VNC implementation. Thankfully, I have found a workaround. In the settings app, select Sharing. Then select "Screen Sharing" on the left and click on the "Computer Settings..." button. In the dialog that pops up, check "Anyone may request permission to control screen" and un-check "VNC viewers may control screen …
macos - How can I change the target resolution of a VNC Server
Here is my question: How can I change the geometry of a VNC Server on MacOS? All I want is to get some benefits from the fact that I'm connecting to remote 13' MacBook using 27' iMac. As far as I
macos - Where to find VNC access logs with IP addresses on Sierra ...
Beginning with macOS Sierra, there is a new unified logging system, which requires a bit more work to access than the old system.log, but includes far more details. Use this command to show the last three days of access logs: log show --last 3d --predicate 'processImagePath CONTAINS "screensharingd" AND eventMessage CONTAINS "Authentication"' This will show timestamps, …
macos - Remote into Mac Mini after a reboot - Ask Different
2016年4月5日 · How can a Mac running El Capitan always be ready for a VNC connection even after a reboot? I can vnc into the Mac with no problem but when I reboot the Mac remotely I can't vnc back in. Someone ha...