MacroFlo is a program for analysing infiltration and natural ventilation in buildings. It uses a zonal airflow model to calculate bulk air movement in and through the building, driven by wind
Applications MacroFlo - Integrated Environmental Solutions Ltd
Demonstrate how to reduce the need for air conditioning using natural / mixed-mode strategies. Analyse all aspects of bulk airflow: infiltration, natural ventilation, facade design, mechanical ventilation. Simulate air flow processes over different periods – …
MacroFlo is a simulation program for the design and appraisal of naturally ventilated and mixed-mode buildings. MacroFlo runs as an adjunct to APsim, exchanging data at run-time to achieve a fully integrated simulation of air and thermal exchanges. MacroFlo simulates the flow of air through openings in the building envelope.
Airflow | MacroFlo - RDT LLP
MacroFlo. Flow of air throughout a building, and the movement of heat or coolth, impacts building performance greatly. Airflow is influenced by a number of natural and mechanical means and the interaction of HVAC systems forced air movement with naturally occurring airflow is an essential pre-requisite to accurate simulation of energy usage.
MacroFlo自然通风模拟概述 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
MacroFlo Opening Types - Integrated Environmental Solutions Ltd
MacroFlo provides a default selection of pressure / flow characteristics for a wide range of opening types for the convenience of the <VE> user. Holes represent a special category of opening with constant and un-modifiable air flow characteristics, and …
高大空间模拟解决方案 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
2020年5月21日 · IESVE软件中MacroFlo模块考虑热压等计算算法,解决高大空间因烟囱效应带来的空气流动对建筑能耗、通风等方面的影响。 本文以一个简单的模型来介绍MacroFlo模拟高大空间中空气流动对温度、能耗等参数的影响,提供一种求解方案。
MacroFlo自然通风模拟概述 - 土木在线
2021年1月5日 · MacroFlo 模块使用多区域热流体求解器模拟风压和热压共同驱动下的的数据模型: 基于风洞试验的得出的经验数据- 外部风压; 烟囱效应; 裂纹的流动特性; 窗户类型的流动特性; 大开口的流动特性; 由于格栅和墙壁摩擦产生的阻力; R ayleigh 不稳定性;
MacroFlo Calculation Methods - Integrated Environmental …
MacroFlo is a simulation program for the design and appraisal of naturally ventilated and mixed-mode buildings. MacroFlo runs as an adjunct to APsim, exchanging data at run-time to achieve a fully integrated simulation of air and thermal exchanges.
How to implement natural ventilation (MacroFlo) in IESVE
IESVE has several excellent user guides, so the purpose of this document is to add information on how to include natural ventilation in an IESVE simulation. Our experience is that the systems used for analyzing natural and hybrid ventilation in IESVE are both userfriendly and well-tested.