We are a small Cardiff based registered charity aiming to 'make a difference' to the quality of life for orphans and vulnerable children living in Zambia. We rely on people joining our feeding jar project to ensure that we can continue to feed hundreds of children each day.
About us | MAD4Kids
The charity aims to help relieve poverty and advance the education of children living in Zambia, in particular but not exclusively by the provision of funds and items to the Good Samaritan Ministries School in Lusaka, Zambia.
2012年12月5日 · MAD4kids is a non-profit organization that raises money and awareness for children around the world for less than us. MAD4kids stands for Make A Difference For Kids. We believe that making a difference is the largest act you can take. http://mad4kids.org/ Everyone in the entire world is affected by problems but the severity of the problems differ.
MAD4Kids - Facebook
Helping children to escape poverty through education.
Mad4Kids (2008) Logo - YouTube
taken from my count on sports DVD
MAD4Kids: Our Humble Begining
MAD4kids is a non-profit organization that raises money and awareness for children around the world for less than us. MAD4kids stands for Make A Difference For Kids. We believe that making a difference is the largest act you can take. http://mad4kids.org/
Mad4Kids - Logo Timeline Wiki | Fandom
May 1, 2023: Copying from other wikis like Logopedia without saying so is still going on. This means this wiki is still at risk for being shut down.
Summary - M.A.D.4 KIDS - Fundraiso
M.A.D.4 KIDS is a charity that was founded in 2018 with legal form "Trust" in the United Kingdom. It gives grants in topics such as children and adolescents, culture and art, humanitarian & disaster relief and others .
Blog | MAD4Kids
Over 30 pupils, teachers and parents have received a week's permaculture training funded by MAD4Kids. Read More... We have just sent funds to create a fenced 70m x 80m garden at Namununga school. Read More... Thanks to the Jays for hosting this year's plant sale. The Cardiff grandchildren were heavily involved in the preparation for the sale.
Mindful Athletic Development For Kids (@mad.4kids) - Instagram
15 Followers, 18 Following, 13 Posts - Mindful Athletic Development For Kids (@mad.4kids) on Instagram: "六六戮戮 4-Parents of Youth ⚾️漏Hitters Make Hitting Fun Again 易 Hitting & Development Tips 4-kids"