MAD-441 | Addressable module 1 conventional zone - Detnov
Addressable monitor module of 1 conventional zone, allows connection of up to 20 conventional detectors and / or 32 conventional manual call points. Can identify between detector alarm and push button, between the fault by cutting or by short circuit in the zone. It takes one loop address. Requires 24 Vdc auxiliary power. LED status indicator.
The MAD-441 and MAD-442 modules let you connect conventional detectors and conventional manual call points to the analogue system, and they are ideal for installations that, as a result of the area to be protected, require a large quantity of punctual detection elements that may all have the same identification (for example, car
MAD-441 - andi-bg.com
Addressable monitor module of 1 conventional zone, allows connection of up to 20 conventional detectors and / or 32 conventional manual call points. Can identify between detector alarm and push button, between the fault by cutting or by short circuit in the zone. It …
Los módulos MAD-441 y MAD-442 nos permiten conectar detectores convencionales al sistema analógico. Son idóneos para aquellas instalaciones que, por el tamaño de área a proteger, necesitan un gran número de elementos de detección puntual, pero todos tienen que dar una misma identificación,
Analog Module 1-zone Conventional Monitor MAD-441 DETNOV
Conventional 1-zone analogue module, allowing the connection of up to 20 conventional detectors and/or 32 conventional pushbuttons. It discriminates between detector and pushbutton alarms. It discriminates against faults due to a cut or short circuit in the zone. It occupies one loop address. It requires a 24 Vdc auxiliary power supply.
De MAD-441 en MAD-442 modules voorzien 1 en 2 conventionele zones die op hun beurt tot 20 conventionele detectoren en/of 32 conventionele branddrukknoppen. De conventionele zone module is in staat om een verschil te onderscheiden tussen een detector alarm en een alarm veroorzaakt door een branddrukknop.
MAD-441-I | Addressable module with built-in isolator 1 ... - Detnov
Addressable monitor module with built-in isolator of 1 conventional zone, allows the connection of up to 20 conventional detectors and / or 32 conventional manual call points. Can identify between detector alarm and push button, between the fault by cutting or by short circuit in the zone. It takes one loop address. Requires 24 Vdc auxiliary power.
Módulo Analógico Monitor de 1 zona Convencional MAD-441 …
Módulo analógico de 1 zona convencional, permite la conexión de hasta 20 detectores convencionales y/o 32 pulsadores convencionales. Discrimina entre alarma de detector y pulsador. Discrimina la avería por corte o por cortocircuito de la zona. Ocupa una dirección de lazo. Precisa alimentación auxiliar de 24 Vcc. Incluye led indicador de estado.
The MAD-441 and MAD-442 modules allow to connect conventional detectors and conventional manual call points to the addressable system. They are ideal for installations that, as a result of the area to be protected, require a large quantity of point detectors that may all have the same identification (for
DET-MAD-441 - Almaks
Adresabilni modul sa jednim ulazom za povezivanje do 20 konvencionalna detektora ili 32 ručna javljača, Pravi razliku između alarma detektora i ručnog javljača, kao i razliku u prekidu ili kratkom spoju zone, Zauzima jednu adresu, Zahteva dodatno napajanje od 24 V, LED indikacija, Mogućnost instalacije na DIN šinu ili na zid u kutiji (BOX-ONE il...
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