Mad baby duck??? | BackYard Chickens - Learn How to Raise …
2017年6月20日 · Got two duck eggs from a friend as her laying duck was killed. Put them under our broody hen. When the Hen got off we put them in the bator . One hatched early yesterday. It punched threw the side of the egg and is a monster! THe other egg had a pip but this little fellow wont leave it alone...
Mad baby duck??? | Page 2 - BackYard Chickens
2017年6月20日 · Search titles only By: Search Advanced search…
I killed my baby duck - BackYard Chickens
2007年8月11日 · At this time momma duck decides to come back and stands outside the pen calling her babies who keep trying to run through the wire to get to her. I finally caught her and put her in the chicken tractor in the fenced yard near the house, and sure enough when I went back out all 5 little ducklings where following mama banty hen around.
Sudden Duckling Deaths | BackYard Chickens - Learn How to Raise …
2012年7月30日 · The duckling stopped breathing I gave it Duck CPR blowing into its beak gently pushing my finger on it chest to get Air in it's lungs! It started breathing on its own and then once again this nasty smiling poop squirted out of its bottom and it stopped breathing.
Why does my duck open and close her mouth like this - video …
2010年2月1日 · When my ducks sit on my lap, after about 5 minutes they all start opening and closing their mouths. Are they just hot, or is it something I should worry about? I took a video of it - it's actually pretty funny as it looks like my duck is pinching my cat's head :
Duck Sounds... What Do They Mean?? - BackYard Chickens
2020年11月29日 · On another note, I’m not completely sure if this would have anything to do with it but about 4-5 months ago (around when his drake feathers came in) he started getting a little aggressive with me, he was biting at me and holding on to my skin, gave me a few little bruises, I wasn’t really sure what was happening but he seemed to calm down a little recently
My duck is mad at me?!? - BackYard Chickens
2013年11月27日 · Hi all, I dont know whats happening... Bubby (my duck) has just been ignoring me or keeping away from me lately and i have no idea why. Usually when i call him or slap my legs he would come to me but now he just ignores me. when i try to pat him he runs away but if i grab him and pat him etc he...
Baby Duck Having Seizures - BackYard Chickens
2017年5月25日 · I also noticed that her feathers are still wet from yesterday which is a sign she isn't grooming - possibly from before I woke up to check on them but I'm not 100% sure on that. It almost seems like food poisoning considering the other duck shows no signs of infection from something like dirty bedding.
Bad Mother Duck eating babies??! Help! - BackYard Chickens
2010年10月11日 · I wouldn't kill her though. But I don't think unless you have another duck sitting about to hatch that you'd find one to adopt them just brood them and when they are big enough begin to introduce them to the adults.So very soory for this awful thing to happen for you and especially for the ducklings..They are absolutely adotrable.
?? Broody Duck and Baby chick - BackYard Chickens
2020年7月17日 · I have a duck that has been sitting on a nest of eggs for 22 days. She laid around 10 eggs, but a chicken had laid a few eggs there also. Yesterday one of the chicken eggs hatched. Cute little yellow chick. The duck is still sitting on eggs and the chick runs under her also. The problem is...