Mad Eyes Guide : r/IdentityV - Reddit
2019年8月20日 · in China mad eyes' main persona branch is confined space, tinnitus, hunt (the cat persona which makes you faster in a chase after a certain time) and berserker, you can use the rest of the points into whatever you want (personally I go up, right, 1 point in hunt, 2 points in berserker and desperate fight) also blink is a must.
My Guide to Mad Eyes : r/IdentityV - Reddit
2019年5月1日 · I'm currently the 4th Mad Eyes in NA with over 8000 Character Points in Tier V-III one tricking Mad Eyes. I believe Mad Eyes is hella fun and if properly played can be a menace (Yes, even to 4 priestesses on Moonlit River Park) in your ranked games. Recently I’ve been seeing lots of threads on “which hunter should I buy” and tier lists ...
I need help with playing mad eyes. : r/IdentityV - Reddit
2021年7月28日 · Hy, almost s badge mad eyes in troll, titan or whatever rank it is, my tips are to start playing only as him, he needs a lot of practice, in the beginning i would raccomand you to use teleport and a detention /confined space build, hunt and tinnitus are must haves, the other traits you can choose them by your preferences, watch a lot of tutorials, i would raccomand …
does anyone else get annoyed that Mad Eye was kind of ... - Reddit
2022年12月3日 · Mad Eye Moody was an EXTREMELY interesting character. Had tons of random background facts, was a celebrated auror who went a little off the rails, has been through the MOST, literally missing a chunk of his nose and drinks exclusively from his own flask due to paranoia... Randomly gets killed by a spell while flying to save Harry.
Full Mad Eye Lore including scientific and historical analysis.
2020年9月21日 · Mad eyes Mad eyes introduction: Burke is the eldest son of a construction worker who grew up playing amongst designs, various machines, and tools. By the time he was 20, he had already acquired local fame for his skills.
Tips for countering mad eyes : r/IdentityV - Reddit
2019年12月27日 · Tips for countering mad eyes I've never ran into many mad eyes, only a few and most games are either a tie or lose depending on how good the entire tesm and hunters are. Yet last time I got cornered by a A badge mad eyes and my lack of experience was the death of me, I took my chance to get owls instead if decoding for my pretty much useless ...
Mad Eyes Guide for the bois : r/IdentityV - Reddit
2021年7月20日 · 58 votes, 15 comments. 60K subscribers in the IdentityV community. A Subreddit dedicated to Identity V, the first asymmetrical horror mobile game…
Tips for Mad Eyes? : r/IdentityV - Reddit
2020年8月1日 · Hi mad eyes main here. Well was a mad eyes main. Haven't played idv in a month. But like mad eyes is one of the most hardest hunters to use. I feel more than seems witch even. But if you use him right you can slow down chipher rush, cage survivors like rats and camp like a boss. Honestly tho there are better hunters. Even in tournaments with ...
How is mad eyes meant to be played? : r/IdentityV - Reddit
Mad Eyes hard-counters Priestess & somewhat counters Mind's Eye since he can throw gates up at both sides of the portal to prevent portal heal parties & take advantage of MInd's Eye's visual impairment so they don't see the gates coming; he can also somewhat counter Mercenary if he hits him with a gate 3 times & then a normal attack to ...
Identity v best and worst skin reviews: Mad eyes : r/IdentityV
2023年11月19日 · Mad eyes worst skins. Confined dean isn't bad, just boring. Mad eyes doesn't have that many skins, so picking a worse one is between his Once skin, Scrooge and Confined dean. As the former two are not that bad, that leaves confined dean. Mad eyes whole idea is this insane old man that's a genius at Machinery and architecture.