vootie - Urban Dictionary
2011年7月22日 · Vootie originated in 1955 in a Mad Magazine parody where Dave Garroway's chimp (J. Fred Muggs - who also painted a cover for Mad) takes over the show. Instead of Dave's signoff, "Peace", the monkey said "Vootie". It was later used in 1996 as an exclamation in Star Control 3 by a race called the Xchagger.
Vootie - WikiFur, the furry encyclopedia
2022年12月17日 · Vootie was a cartoonist's APA with a funny animal theme that lasted from 1976 to 1983. Satirically self-described as "The Official Organ of the Funny Animal Liberation Front," the purpose of Vootie was to gather like-minded cartoonists to share and discuss their ideas on funny animals in an un-serious fashion.
Vootie - Fanlore
2024年5月4日 · Vootie is a furry apazine. There are thirty-seven issues. Vootie's cessation led directly to the founding of the Rowrbrazzle furry APA one year later. The transition between "Vootie" and "Rowrbrazzle" is traditionally considered to be …
Reed Waller - WikiFur, the furry encyclopedia
2022年4月10日 · Reed Waller (born August 3, 1949) is an American comic book writer and cartoonist best known for his work on Omaha the Cat Dancer with his writing partner and former wife, the late Kate Worley. Reed co-founded the pioneering funny animal APA Vootie with artist Ken Fletcher in April 1976. [1] .
#Furry# 【扫盲】福瑞大科普01——入门篇 - 百度贴吧
事实上,福瑞文化概念自诞生起,从来就是不只有“毛茸茸”的。 足以证明福瑞文化自诞生以来,从未纠结过“毛茸茸”这个话题。 所以以此为止,之后不再作任何相关解释了。 划重点! 除了人类! (纠结人类也是动物的统统叉出去一天吃十八公斤凤梨! 猩猩猴子虽然和人类一样是灵长类但也算的! PS:我必须吐槽一下灵长类福瑞真的是几乎没有啊,因为太冷门了所以反而发了三张,且看且珍惜吧。 鳄鱼蜥蜴虽然是爬行类但是也算的! 鸵鸟大雁虽然是羽毛但是也算的! 海豚鲨鱼 …
Furry文化的前身 - 哔哩哔哩
Rowrbrazzle 至今仍在发行. 在Rowrbrazzle之前,还有一个叫做Vootie的APA,Vootie向Rowrbrazzle的转变被视为从“Funny animal”到“Furry”的演变过程。 根据可追溯的历史,Furry至少在这一时期开始成为一个文化符号。 足够多的爱好者形成了一个个社区,并逐渐稳定下来,发展出了各种新形式的社区活动和艺术实体,比如兽展与兽装。
"Vootie" apa promotional flyer May 1977 -page 2 - Fur Affinity
While there were probably fine-artists' co-operatives that distributed prints among the members, Vootie may have been the first USA fan-culture apa to try and emphasize an art exchange for membership....
[兽之国度]终章:致谢及作者简介 - 哔哩哔哩
排在首位的是马克·梅里诺和罗德·奥莱利,他们是“昂首阔步的斯科尔泰儿”的成员,也是第一次兽聚的组织者。 与他们并肩的是弗雷德·巴顿,他对兽圈的无私奉献是一个传奇,排在弗雷德旁边的是肯·弗莱彻和里德·沃勒,他们的出版物《Vootie》是第一个展示“有趣动物”粉丝艺术家作品的杂志,并为以后几乎每一本兽人艺术书籍和漫画奠定了基础。 和他们一起的还有“卡戈叔叔”山姆·康威,他是这个星球上为把兽圈介绍给全世界人民而做得最多的人。 我还要感谢雷·鲁尼,感谢他 …
卡通,情欲,还是身份认同?揭开饱受偏见的兽圈真面目 - 知乎
《Vootie》上最著名的作品来自于 Reed Waller 从1978年开始创作的情色漫画《猫咪舞者奥马哈》("Omaha" the Cat Dancer),作品主角是一名跳脱衣舞的猫女。这部原本连载于业余刊物上的漫画,后来也通过地下漫画界的一些出版商得以出版。
Urban Dictionary: HangedManBendy
Vootie originated in 1955 in a Mad Magazine parody where Dave Garroway's chimp (J. Fred Muggs - who also painted a cover for Mad) takes over the show. Instead of Dave's signoff, "Peace", the monkey said "Vootie". It was later used in 1996 as an exclamation in Star Control 3 by a race called the Xchagger.
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