M6 — Magico Loudspeakers
The M6 is a floor standing, three-way, five-driver loudspeaker design that establishes a new pinnacle of engineering and design vision at Magico. The new M6 represents the culmination of such efforts and a major advance in loudspeaker design.
Magico M6 - The Absolute Sound
2020年1月10日 · The $172,000-per-pair M6 is a three-way, five-driver dynamic loudspeaker with three 10.5″ nano-graphene woofers, a 6″ nanographene midrange, and a diamond-coated beryllium dome tweeter. The enclosure is sealed. The nominal impedance is four ohms, and sensitivity is 91dB.
380 期《煮酒論英雄》:Magico M6 - Hi Fi Review
2019年7月2日 · 電渦流現象絕跡,再加上M6體內三路分音器所採用的零件,全為德國 Mundorf按照Magico要求特別訂製,全屬質量出類拔萃的發燒級零件,得以進一步保證M6的自家製單元,以至整體表現,發揮其應有的高水準。
Magico M6 floorstanding loudspeakers - hi-fi+
2021年11月2日 · Magico’s M6 is ostensibly a three-way, five driver design in a 1cm thick six-sided carbon fibre monocoque, which is made yet more rigid by thick aerospace-grade aluminium front and rear baffles, top plate and inner baffle, all tensioned with aluminium rods.
【器材测评】值得不惜一切去拥有的完美杰作:魔力Magico M6
2020年5月6日 · 三小时的听音过程,通过十多张的考牌碟,钟一和我都听得心花怒放,结论是M6是这位长期接触acoustic乐器的音乐人兼音响发烧友,以其精湛的3D计算机绘图技术,废寝忘餐去建设的伟大工程,也是Alon Wolf迄今设计最成熟的完美杰作。 【器材测评】我最喜爱的Magico作品! 魔力Magico M6 落地音箱. 【视频讲解】十步告诉你如何成就一对 魔力 Magico音箱. 【器材测评】豪门门槛并不高:Magico魔力A3落地箱 返回搜狐,查看更多.
【器材测评】可能是Magico有史以来最好声音箱:魔力Magico M6…
2020年5月14日 · 它就是Magico M6。 生产在线有Q系列与S系列之外,如今再有新的M系列,当中的首个型号M3,相信发烧友已在音展和代理试音室听过。
Magico M6 - Press Release
The M6’s new 6” midrange driver features Magico’s superior Graphene-based cone material which is 30% lighter and 300% stiffer than that of its predecessors. This driver utilizes an underhung neodymium-based motor system that leverages an extra-large magnet and a top-stabilizing magnet to ensure a perfectly stabilized magnetic field of 1.7 ...
Magico M-Series M6 Floorstanding Loudspeakers - Audio-Exchange
The Magico M6 stands as a monumental achievement in loudspeaker design, representing the zenith of Magico's engineering and design vision. This floor-standing, three-way, five-driver loudspeaker design is a fusion of advanced materials and cutting-edge technologies, setting a new benchmark in the realm of high-fidelity audio.
全新的声音标竿 Magico M6旗舰喇叭试听与原厂采访 - hifidiy
M6的分音器,所使用的元件相当高档,采用自家专利的”Elliptical Symmetry Crossover topology”线路架构,追求最大的频宽、相位线性与最小的失真,所有个别的单体与最後组成後,都使用Magico最新”Finite Element Analysis simulation testing equipment”进行声学、机械、电磁与 ...
[喇叭] Magico 推全新 M6 座地喇叭 - Hiendy.com
2017年6月2日 · Magico 推全新 M6 座地喇叭 M6 與過往型號最大不同之處,乃採用了航空級碳纖維板材製造音箱,而單元陣容方面,亦分別採用了新一代的 28mm 鑽石高音單元、全新的碳纖維中低音單元以及三個石墨烯低音單元,所組成的三路五單元設計。