Magico M9 vs. Magico Ultimate 3 Horn- Box vs. Horn! Which will …
2020年8月16日 · The visitors at Totaldac in Europe can compare the Magico M6s and a large full horn system in a same place (door to next door with same electronics). Maybe it helps imagining M9 vs Ultimate. Visitors have not been as numerous as before because of lock-down and consequences, so be welcome back! Upgrading M6 with M9, maybe later...
Wilson WAMM vs. Magico M9: What are the Design Differences/ …
2010年5月30日 · Accurate observations for sure! When you say part active, not to confuse anyone but the M9s do have a 100% analog, active crossover, but the M9 is not amplified internally. Usually the active description denotes internal amplification. I would call the M9 completely passive with an active analog crossover....just semantics.
Magico M9 | What's Best Audio and Video Forum. The Best High …
2020年6月12日 · Speakers: Magico M3s w/ MPODs; Amps: Vitus SM-103 Monos; Line Stage: Vitus MP-L201 MK.II; Phono: J. Sikora Standard Max; Tonearms: 2 x J. Sikora KV12 Kevlar Tonearms; Carts: Airtight Opus 1 and MSL Signature Platinum; Phono Stage: Vitus MP-P201 Mk.
Magico M9 | What's Best Audio and Video Forum. The Best High …
2020年6月12日 · I’m interested in how the M9 gets amplified. 2 stereo CH M1.1’s would be interesting as the amps have some adjustments to fine tune. Not sure if the active crossover makes the amplifiers less or more determinate in the final sound. 4 monos. Imagine 4 Dartzeel 468’s or 4 Soulution monos. We could play a virtual game of different setups.
Magico M9 >>>>Fulfillment | What's Best Audio and Video …
2020年7月28日 · The M9 drivers represent true state of the art and are the most advanced dynamic driver designs ever offered by Magico. The new Magico Analog Crossover (MXO) was designed in-house from our own platform to manage the crossover frequency between the 15-inch bass and 11-inch mid-bass drivers.
Magico M9 | What's Best Audio and Video Forum. The Best High …
2020年6月12日 · So of course, when someone hears both the much bigger Magico M9 and the XVX in the same room/possibly same system...I have to ask whether that scale/bass/power thing follows in accordance with the 50%+ increase in weight/size, bass cone area, etc of the speaker.
Magico M9 | What's Best Audio and Video Forum. The Best High …
2020年6月12日 · I hope the Ultimates remain in Magico's line-up for purely selfish reasons: As the supreme counter-example to horn-haters. Speaking of horns, my math says two kilowatts into 94 dB = 127 dB "on paper", implying that 6" cone and 1" dome are leaving many horns in the dust when it comes to SPL capability.
Magico M9 | What's Best Audio and Video Forum. The Best High …
2020年6月12日 · Bespoke Audio Ultimate Silver TVC passive preamp, Totaldac xlr version D1-Drivers x2, Eisteddfod 40 preamp & 840 poweramp, Magico S3 2023 speaker, MSB Select DAC & Digital Director, MSB Select Transport, Nakamichi 700 XLE cassette deck, Taiko Audio Extreme Server & Extreme Switch, Zayin Audio Stargate Switch, Tripoint Troy Signature NG ...
Magico M9 | What's Best Audio and Video Forum. The Best High …
2020年6月12日 · Yes, it was M9 focused for sure, but most people would know it's not just the speakers that make sound. It's first the interface of the speakers with the room and then what is used to drive the speakers. The pics showing the Pilium/VYDA system, which drives both the Magico showroom M9is and our Dallas M9s are good enough for us.
Magico M9 | What's Best Audio and Video Forum. The Best High …
2020年6月12日 · Bespoke Audio Ultimate Silver TVC passive preamp, Totaldac xlr version D1-Drivers x2, Eisteddfod 40 preamp & 840 poweramp, Magico S3 2023 speaker, MSB Select DAC & Digital Director, MSB Select Transport, Nakamichi 700 XLE cassette deck, Taiko Audio Extreme Server & Extreme Switch, Zayin Audio Stargate Switch, Tripoint Troy Signature NG ...