Mage | League of Legends Wiki | Fandom
Mages are champions who typically possess great reach, ability-based area of effect damage and crowd control, and who use all of these strengths in tandem with each other to trap and destroy enemies from a distance.
Mage - League of Legends Wiki
2024年11月20日 · Mages are champions who typically possess great reach, ability-based area of effect damage and crowd control, and who use all of these strengths in tandem with each other to trap and destroy enemies from a distance.
Categoría:Mago champion | Wiki League of Legends | Fandom
Los magos son por lo general campeones a distancia que priorizan habilidades y hechizos poderosos por sobre sus ataque básicos. Tipicamente, los magos se caracterizan por tener una combinación de hechizos de larga distancia, area de efecto …
Los 10 mejores magos en League of Legends (principales estas)
2023年1月11日 · Sin embargo, aquí he compilado una lista de los 10 mejores magos en la liga, clasificados en función de lo poderosos que son, cuán útiles pueden ser y qué tan bien pueden transportar juegos en ELO bajo y alto. Entonces, si está buscando un campeón de mago para el truco principal o un truco, desplácese hacia abajo y encuentre el que más le convenga.
Categoria:Mago | Wiki League of Legends | Fandom
Magos normalmente são caracterizados por habilidade(s) de longo alcance e habilidades de efeito ou dano em área com utilidade (ex: controle de grupo). Um mago hábil pode diferenciar qualquer equipe com seus conjuntos de habilidades versáteis e um estilo de jogo flexível. O mago também é especializado em grandes danos em poucos segundos.
Mago - Leaguepedia | League of Legends Esports Wiki - Fandom
Jean Carlo "Mago" Dias is a League of Legends esports player, currently mid laner for RED Canids. He was previously known as Jean Mago.
Top 10 LOL Best Mages That Wreck Hard | Gamers Decide
2020年9月4日 · LoL Best Taliyah Skins Revealed (All Taliyah Skins Ranked Worst To Best) Taliyah is one of the champions that is hard to master, but once you get used to her kit, she can be deadly. She can control rocks or stone to deal damage against her enemies, and she can also create a wall that can trap or chase her enemies.
What Defines a Control Mage in League of Legends?
2021年11月22日 · Control mages are generally AP champions that have 3 things in common – great wave clear, high AoE damage, and crowd control spells. And the reason why they’re called control mages is that they can control the mid lane by quickly clearing waves or threatening to attack their enemies from range.
Os 10 melhores magos da League of Legends (principal estes)
2023年11月1日 · Os magos são uma das classes principais de campeão em League of Legends. Eles tiveram um papel enorme na meta dos jogos desde o seu começo, sendo poderosos traficantes de danos mágicos e carrega em vários papéis. Mas encontrar os melhores campeões de magos no LOL não é uma tarefa fácil.
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