Questionnaires et relances automatiques via un simple mail - RUok
Questionnaire de satisfaction, Etude de marché, Planification d'événements, Prise de rendez vous ... depuis votre mail avec RUok (avec relances automatiques)
Contact Us - R U OK?
Contact R U OK? if you have any questions that are not answered on our site about suicide awareness, prevention, and helping to spread the message that a meaningful conversation with someone who's struggling or needs support could change a life.
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RUok - Medium
2017年4月10日 · RUok est un service de relances par mail qui permet d’envoyer des questionnaires ou des messages afin d’avoir des réponses à vos questions. https://www.ruok.fr. Read writing from RUok on...
Mail: Почта, Облако, Календарь, Заметки, Покупки — сервисы …
Mail — безопасные сервисы для жизни и работы: бесплатная Почта, память для всего в Облаке, лёгкое планирование в Календаре и быстрые записи в Заметках.
Create a free email — Mail.ru | Register an email account
Create a free email in just a few steps. Mail.ru allows you to create a new email account quickly and with complete data privacy protection
Workplace Resources for asking "Are you OK?" | R U OK?
Looking to ask R U OK? in the workplace? We've developed resources, including posters and a practical guide, to help you ask the question in a safe and supportive way. The below poster has contact details for several national support services. There is also a section where you can fill in details of your local mental health service.
Resources to help you ask R U OK? every day
Click the play button to begin. You can help us champion the message in your workplace, school and community. every day of the year, using the host of useful resources you will find below. ASK R U OK? ANY DAY RESOURCES. R U OK? AT WORK. R U OK? AT SCHOOL. R U OK? IN YOUR COMMUNITY. R U OK? IN ABORIGINAL & TORRES STRAIT ISLANDER COMMUNITIES. R U OK?
https://www.ruok.com – Telephone Reassurance System
Contact us for a quote [email protected]. Celebrating over 33 years of experience in Telephone Reassurance Systems
Comment automatiser l'envoi de questionnaires et de relances - RUok
Ne modifiez pas vos habitudes, vous envoyez votre message via votre mail (gmail, outlook …) en ajoutant simplement l’adresse de votre questionnaire. Votre message est alors envoyé à vos interlocuteurs ainsi qu’à RUok. RUok fournit des questionnaires prêts à l’emploi mais vous pouvez également créer les vôtres en 2 clics.